Date: Tue 01/27/09 7:22AM From: Yvonne Temann Email: Message: My favorite place for pizza was Jack's Pizzeria on Fulton near Crescent. He made great zeppoles and calzones, too. My favorite bakery was the Crescent Bakery a couple of doors down from Jack's. On Sunday mornings I went to A&J Market on Fulton and Pine for fresh bagels. And I will always remember my 8th Grade Graduation Lunch at London Squire Restaurant next to Mellor's Drug, Fulton and Crescent. Tilotta's for school supplies. Liberty Avenue (some called it City Line) for shoes and clothes. |
Date: Sat 01/24/09 9:24PM From: Cheryl AFelten/Khoja Email: Message: Hey Ed I just read your posting on joe napier,did he have a brother named henry napier.If so it's listed in the directory Good Luck Cheryl |
Date: Sat 01/24/09 1:39PM From: Edward P. Farrell Email: Message: I went to St. Rita School with Joe Napier and he was at Bishop Loughlin for his freshman year in 1957 Does anyone know what happened to him? |
Date: Fri 01/23/09 11:19AM From: Dick Brower Email: Message: In the late fifties I was part of the crew that hung out at Moe's on Pitkin Ave and Berriman. Others were Sal Ficara, Joe Marinello, Mike DeGennaro, Joe Sabatino, Louie Russo, Joe Napier and many others. Later on, we had a club called the Oasis on Liberty and Linwood. |
Date: Thu 01/22/09 9:53PM From: Robert Iannotta Email: Message: Joe Peluso I enjoyed reading your blog of the days gone by but never forgotten. Robert Mando how are you doing? I remember your sister Marie how is she doing? Do you all remember the days of the chocolate eggclair fountain drink. Barney's candystore on Atlantic made the best, followed by Nats on fulton.....Twinkies was 10 cents....Devil Dogs 5 cents...Stickball on Linwood...the line drive that hit Domnick Valenti's grandfather right in the seat of his pants. Stoop ball off the steps of PS 108. If we can only turn the clock back and relive those days for a momement would be time well spent.... |
Date: Wed 01/21/09 12:21PM From: Lucy Ragucci D'Amato Email: Message: Hi everyone. Great website. I am a graduate of Blessed Sacrament's Cla** of 1977. Memories of Adelphi Pharmacy, Hamburg Savings Bank, Longs Ice Cream Parlor. So many cherished memories. I lived at 97 Nichols Avenue between Jamaica and Etna. Two delis were on my corner John's and Unger's. The candy store followed John's deli. My friends and I would go there for ice cream, candy, yoo-hoo and treats. Memories of my friends include the Marinconzs, McCormacks, Panicos. The dairy was located on Nichols and O'Brien Place. It was the place to buy the milk and bagels on Sunday morning. Bohack and A&P on Fulton Street were close by. Friday night was grocery shopping night with my mom. Mom and I would walk from Nichols Avenue to Woodhaven Blvd. searching for bargains at Finest, Scaturro's and KeyFood. On the way we would stop at Louis' of Woodhaven and Smiley Yarn Store. Such great memories. I also attended P.S. 171 for kindergarten. I also remember Maxwell Bakery on Atlantic Avenue and Carvel across the street from there. One time we walked from my house on Nichols Avenue to Maxwell's on Pennsylvania and Atlantic. Boy what a long walk. What great memories. Thanks for the website. |
Date: Wed 01/21/09 10:18AM From: robert mando Email: Message: Joe Peluso how are you, talkin bout you with joe maginess remember you were into superman, we used to roller skate in the street you were the cop.playin skelly.bill&betty's candy store.stickball by p.s.108 handball in the schoolyard,sled riding in highland park over the hump so many things to remember great place to grow up |
Date: Wed 01/21/09 8:10AM From: Mario Zambrano Email: Message: Marianne, How are you? Did you get ahold of Erric? I really want to get together with our cla**mates once again. Anyway, thank you for your words, 1969 was a very special year for all of us, especially in our beloved East New York! I will be back in the neighborhood this weekend because they are closing my old church, St. Malachy's, for good and that is sad. Please call me if you hear anything about the reunion. Mario Zambrano |
Date: Wed 01/21/09 6:08AM From: marianne agarenzo coleman Email: Message: Hey Mario, I like your poem! It brings back many memories! Marianne |
Date: Tue 01/20/09 8:45PM From: Joe Email: Message: Hello, I just ran across your website. I can identify some of the kids in the cla** picture that Steve Adragna posted from P.S. 65 fifth grade cla** 1968-1969. Here it goes: 3rd row from top/2nd from right, Vincent Grippa. 3rd row from top/4th from right, Eddie Bogart. 4th row from top/2nd from right, Debra Crowley. 4th row from top/3rd from right, James Quinn. 4th row from top/3rd from left, Michael Simone. Bottom row/3rd from right, Dawn Martin. I hope that helps identify some others. I wonder what ever happened to Miss O'Mara? I also went to I.S. 171. I was in 6M (1969-1970), 7L (1970-1971 - Mr. Altman-Homeroom), 8J (1971-1972 - Mr. Schildkraut-Homeroom). We had Mr. Smith for wood shop, Mr. Frost for metal shop. I believe other teachers were Mr. Atkins, Miss Malatestanik (spelled right??), Mr. Steiger (art), Mr Dwyer (dean/typing/MEAN!), Mr. Greenberg (music). After that I attended F.K. Lane. I would love to see more pictures from these years. Feel free to email me. Thanks for the great website! |