Date: Tue 01/20/09 4:43PM From: CherylFelten/Khoja Email: Message: Hey Joey That was an incredible story.When I read these memories from you guys,and the people who grew up in East New York.I say to myself It was a prevlidge.I had moved to Eny back in the early 70's,1972-1978,I have some good and some bad,the memories I do have were remembering as an 8yr old bagging groceries at the A&P supermarket,in those days to make a few cents was a big deal for us,also having a paper route at 11 and 12 yrs old.The insperation I think came from an early responcebility as a kid to pretty much grow up fast.When I hear all the things you guys did,I feel a little left out.But not regretting anything,needless to say I think goign to different schools made the difference as well.I went to P.S108 then to I.S171,and off to Franklin my years pretty much went by so quick.But I do remember me and my best friend Nadia who lived on Highland Place use to go to the YMCA as well as you guys,we did play handball behind the y.Unfortunately my memoreis are pretty vague,but it makes me happy to see you guys had an awesome childhood.I wish more people from our time would post these stories,Oh joey osne thing you had mentioned a joey pontillo I remember his brother johnny pontillo,does anyone know what haas become of the 2,please let me know.Johnny was a real character in his days,Yes I do remember the hot brooklyn nights,I use to live on top of the veruusos real estate so my mom may she rest in peace use to slep on the tar roof for some cool air,in those days we didn't have ac.Today I live in the state of Georgia with my husband of almost 20 yrs and my daughter,what a difference a day and time makes.Take care Cheryl 77 Ess** Street |
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