Date: Sun 08/17/08 7:15AM From: Judi Zimmer Email: Message: Does anyone know if my grandparents' house, 555 Ashford Street is still standing? If I recall it was a yellowish brick or stone 3 story house. Also would love to see some old photos of New Jersey Ave. (around 273, no longer standing), Ashford Street (around 555) and Blake Avenue in the early 50s. TIA. |
Date: Sun 08/17/08 4:32AM From: Julius Freeman Email: Message: Hi Bruce, I also went to P.S. 108. I went to P.S. 158 for the first grade, entering in Sept. 1966 & transferred to P.S. 108 the following September. I used to live on Glenmore & Warwick & remember buying those giant cookies & cherry coin candies from bill 7 Betty's & playing Punch Ball at lunch. I graduated in 1971 & went to I.S. 302. I remember most of the 1967 cla** that your brother was in, as most of the members of that cla** were my cla**mates the following year. These are the ones whom I remember, well, most of them, these 40 years later. Here goes... Top Row I know his face, but his name escapes me, Andrew Brown (from 414 Sutter Ave), looks like Rogerio Hilgensteiler, Looks like David DeLaRosa, ?, Eddie Carhart (his aunt used to work in the lunch room & had red hair), Tony Kachykalo (good punch ball player), Thomas Whitalski, looks like Jonathan "Alvin" All, ? Second Row ?, ?, Dennis Gorgone, ? (her name is on the tip of my tongue, just can't get it out), Dellanda King (I believe), Gwendolyn Bedell, ?, Karl Heidenreich, looks like Kevin Smedman, ? Third Row ?, Marion Linkens (her brother Richard was a cla**mate of my sister, Sharon), ?, looks like Valerie Met, Lorraine Von Thaden (her family owned the ice cream parlor on Fulton & Cleveland under the J & K train), looks like Jean Jurkuvenas, Kim Edwards (414 Sutter & my first girlfriend in school), ? Bottom Row ?, Michael Bogart, looks like Bruce Virga, looks like James Blakeney (from Barbey & Pitkin), ? Again, this cla** picture was taken the year before I transferred to 108 & most of this cla** became Cla** 2-1, which was my cla** in Sept. 1967. I'm also trying to remember if one of these girls is Nikki Gail Rubino, whom I had a real crush on, back then & if one of the fellas is named Sirgitas M, whom were in our cla**es in subsequent years. Also, I believe that one of the girls in this cla** had a brother named Gus, who was a few years older than us. About 3 years after this picture was taken, Gus died tragically. While playing & climbing over one of those wraught iron fences with the huge spikes, he slipped & was impaled through his neck. I remember that our teacher (one of the Mrs. Fields, Sisters-in-law, I believe - one dark-haired & sweet, the other brunette & quite stern) had us make sympathy cards for the young girl & her family. Yet another face that I can see in my mind's eye, but can't quite recall her name. It's amazing how I remember much of this when I haven't seen most of these kids since we graduated in June 1971 & for the most part, went our separate ways. I sure hope that someone out there has pictures of my cla**es from 1968-1971, as I lost most of them over the years. |
Date: Thu 08/14/08 1:45PM From: mario Email: Message: Hello, Is there anyone out there that attended PS 76(It was located on Wyona street between Fulton Avenue and Arlington Avenue)in the late '60's and early '70's? I graduated from PS 76 in 1971 and I am looking for pictures of my school. I see that Tapeshare has pictures of the school but they are in black and white. I need pictures that are in color. Sadly the school closed in the late '70's and eventually torn down. |
Date: Wed 08/13/08 12:38PM From: Kathleen Remson Email: Message: I just wanted to thank you for this website. It has been so much fun going done memory lane. Growing up at 109 Ashford Street was filled will alot of wonderful memories. What a great place for a kid to grow up. Looking at the photos of the boys playing in the street was great. I used to sit on my stoop at the age of 4 and watch you guys play all day. I even remember Halloween at the Gomes house. It was always decorated creepy! Thanks for the memories. |
Date: Wed 08/13/08 9:48AM From: Francine Remson Email: Message: Grew up at 109 Ashford Street from 1964 - 1976. Hung out with Peggy Murphy, Lori Rubino, Artie Frairy. Went to St. Michaels. |
Date: Wed 08/13/08 9:46AM From: Kathleen Remson Email: Message: Grow up at 109 Ashford Street. Lived there from 1967 - 1976. I have a sister named Francine....Parents are Bob and Patricia. |
Date: Sun 08/10/08 6:45PM From: Mike Suchocki Email: Message: Rick, Just to tell you one more time ,how much I enjoy your site. Every street brings back a ton of memories.Damn I actualy see the many faces of my old crowd before me. Cypress Pool, Hillside Skating Rink, Highland Park, Emba**y,Warwick,Miller,Tex's Pool room, Blue Mirror Tavern. Rick if we could go back to the way it was, I would go back yesterday. It was the people who made ENY the shop keepers,the families who took care of each other and the scores of friends we had. I know I speak for a lot of people, Thanks a million. Sharkey |
Date: Sat 08/9/08 6:06PM From: Judi Zimmer Email: Message: Thanks so much for your hard work! Only on your site was I able to find the old synagogue down the street from my grandfather's home at 555 Ashford St., along with a photo of PS 63. I lived at 273 New Jersey Ave. and 144 Pennsylvania Ave. in the early 50s, before moving to Queens. Working on my family genealogy, and any help with the Rothsteins of Ashford St. or the Shuplers of New Jersey Ave. (although they lived in other ENY locations) would be vastly appreciated! |
Date: Fri 08/8/08 11:05PM From: Rick Email: Message: Hi Joe..The Reunions page is under the "Home" button menu..scroll down they are there. |
Date: Thu 08/7/08 4:54PM From: Joe Perrone Email: Message: Where are the reunion photos LIBERTY PARK? |