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Date: Mon 07/7/08 5:17PM
From: Roy Marcinkiewicz

Message: Where is this reunion on July 12? Eisenhower Park is very big.Is there a specific field number to go to?

Date: Mon 07/7/08 4:08PM



Date: Mon 07/7/08 9:04AM
From: mario zambrano

Message: Hi Dom,
Tell you what, God willing next year, I will go to Italy with my wife and daughters to visit Stella and her family and I will bring along with me some spaldings. This way we will show your Italian friends how we played our streetgames as kids.
Tanti saluti a te e alla tua famiglia
Mario Zambrano

Date: Mon 07/7/08 6:51AM
From: Dom

Message: Hey Mario!

Don't tempt me, I might come back! 2 weeks was definitely too short. Next time ...


Date: Sat 07/5/08 3:57PM
From: John Holotko Jr.

Message: Lived at 93 Shepherd Avenue between 1959-1966. Attended St. Rita's from 1962-66 (3rd grade) at which point we moved from the area. Still remember the area like it was just yesterday.

Anyone remember hot summer afternoons at the Arlington Libray in the early 60's ? In those days it wasn't air conditionned and I remember there were a lot of fans mounted on the walls. As a kid it was a treat to come into the library when all the fans were singing and situate myself in a spot where I could catch a nice breeze while looking at a book.

Happy July 4th and all the best to the old St Rita's crowd and to all East New Yorkers past and present.

Date: Fri 07/4/08 10:34AM
From: frank delarosa

Message: Happy 4th of July to all!!!

Date: Fri 07/4/08 6:26AM
From: barbara schnell

Message: Thank you to Steve Adragna for the 1972 8E picture from I.S. 171. I still have the peace bracelet I was wearing in that picture!

Date: Thu 07/3/08 8:36PM
From: Jack Donato

Message: Hello Everyone, My name is Jose Jimenez, Naa, just joking, it is Jack Donato, Fat Kato, The FatMan, EL Gordo de Oro. This is a tremendous guest page is memory jogging, brings back the good ole days, it is a feel good site. There are some bad memories of E N Y, but they are far and few. I moved to ENY in 1962 lived in and out until 1981 or 82. The names I remember I will list but bare with me if I don't spelled it right, I went to FK Lane and Berriman JHS my major was running away from the Principal. Just kidding! Let me try to digest the posts here, because I read so many and want to answer so many , but its impossible I have a life also. :) Check out I am trying to organize a pre 1970's alumni list for both schools. Since I lived across the street from 64, I hold the record for being late the most times. I figured let me do this before its too late. Look me up send me pictures and I will put in on my page or the Alumni Page if there is an interest. I am not trying to take anything away from this fabulous site. But just share with more persons. We are getting older by the minute and its wonderful to remember the Separandeo Brothers's Social Club on Linwood Street, 75th Pct. on Miller and Liberty, Liberty Beverages on Schenk and Belmont. The Fish Market on Belmont and Stone Avenues. The Court house on Liberty & Pennsylvania (later a PAL). Piels Beer Factory on Liberty & Alabama. A & P on Pitkin and Atkins, the housewares across the street from the Kinema, Moe's Knishes is how I remember the place. Now on Pitkin Ave. the Cleaners on Shepherd and two newsstands, one of them was Ernie. The Liquor store off the corner. There was Gertz girdles also there I think Mary owed it. Sorry guys as not being Catholic I don't have the knowledge of the churches I played Baseball for St Gabriels CYO allowed to non-Catholic per team. but I do remember a big store on Pitkin between Shepherd and Ess**, on the corner of Ess** & Pitkin (Sex Street) to those who lived there, the guys would block off the ES. Was a Italian grocery store(Harry's), Kay's, a Mens store, later a (Botanica) a store on the other corner which became a (Dry Cleaner's). The Pet Shop on Pitkin and Warwick, The Banner Almonds Jordan Candy factory on Liberty and Ess**, LaMaestras Funeral Home on Liberty and Ashford. Please bear with me I got what many call >>Old timers<< I forget everything but what I eat. The fruit stand next to Kay's, then I forget what the other stores were but RALPH owned the building the later Nick who was the butcher across the street, next to the Cooper Shoe Store "opened a Car Service". Then a was a grocery store where huge cheeses were hanging from every open part of the ceiling. Then was a Bakery. It seems to me there was a Bakery, Grocery or Deli, and Bar on every other street. Opposite the side I mentioned Nick the Butcher, Cooper Shoes, George's Deli (His son still around) I believe the name was Beitzingner. Then a Flower Shop (Liberty Florist), Let just name the places. Shoe Store on Linwood and Pitkin with Mostoff's Hardware after them. My friend Raymond "Lil Ray" worked for them many years. The Monument Place at Logan and Liberty. Hammer Beverages on Logan and Atlantic. The Drug Store On the corner which became Camacho's Grocery. How about funeral home on Van Siclen and Liberty. The Bar on Elton and Pitkin was mentioned. Paladino Ices. Talk about the bakery on Glenmore and Linwood, every Sunday I would pa** there going to church. Sal Abbraciamento Berriman and Liberty. I remember a "recycling Junk shop on Glenmore from Ess** to Shepherd we use to bring the papers, aluminum, and soda bottles to, the a toy factory there also. My "first love" any way the girl I had a crush on was a girl whose father owed a Spanish Bodega/Candy Store on Berriman and Sutter. I completely forgot her name but that beautiful face never leaves my mind. Her brother rode with a motorcycle in a club on Ess** and Sutter. St Paul's AME Church on Belmont and Ess**. Bennet's Pharmacy on Shepherd & Belmont. The Blake Avenue Push Carts and the Lee's Store on Cleveland and Blake. By the time I moved to Pitkin and Ess** there was a surge in the neighborhood of Hispanics. There Anglo-Saxon surnames I remember: Esposito, Donato, Desoto Stabile, Pantella, La Rosa, Annunciata, Rinaldi, Pincus, Barrano, Smith, Brower, Lombardi, Di Pinto, Panzarella, Susco, Mirto, Bonnano whose son died of Leukemia, Graciano, [[how I wish I had the 65 Berriman Year Book or the 71 FK Lane Year Book]] Brugmann, Miner, Kittay, Gingola, If I missed a few names please forgive me. It 40 years later. The Non-Anglo names that I remember: Riquelme, Rodriguez, Cardona, Espinoza, Gonalez, Torres, Morales, Caban, Diaz, Feliciano, Ortiz, Donato, Sierra, Garcia, Mercado, Figueroa, Erazo, Vasquez, Lane, Johnson, Diaz, Bermudez, Galshaw, Orefice and Gomez. Forgive me if I left some names out. Here are some Nicknames, first name (sorry last name don't come to mind or I can't even spell it), clubs and team names: my "second love" Milagros, Mary Ann and Sandy, Ess** United, Linwood Boys, Sherref, The St Michael Rams, Colt 45's, Tip Tops, Nappo, Nino, Ba**o, Scar, Scarface, I am a going to close for now because I know many of my people mentioned are not with us any longer. I would love to hear from anyone. Most of my picture were lost between two freak water accidents in my apartments, a fire bombing at a disco I worked in, and three marriages as some of you know, how that goes. Take Care Every One. Thank You for your time to read this.

PS I forgot to mention the Time Square Store on Linden Blvd and Euclid , Bennett also open a store on Linden Blvd., and The Premier theater at 505 Sutter Avenue.

Date: Thu 07/3/08 12:55PM
From: Mario Zambrano

Message: Hi Dom,
It's Mario Zambrano, Stella's cla**mate from IS 302. It was real good seeing your sister once again after 33 years. She is a magnificent person but I don't have to tell you that. It was good meeting you and your other sister. With any luck, maybe next year I can travel with my wife and daughters to your beautiful town in Italy! By the way, in late August, we will be playing punchball with the guys from IS 302, care to join us?

Mario Zambrano

Date: Wed 07/2/08 11:55AM
From: Dom

Message: Hey Marianne!

I was so happy to see you too and meet all your friends and actually walk thru P.S. 108 again after more than 40 years!
I'm looking forward to meet as many of you in Italy soon!
Don't forget to say hi to Joey for me!


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