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Date: Tue 06/24/08 12:30PM
From: Danny Ferraro

Message: To John Boccio,

Not sure if you are the same Boccio family, my fathers cousins were Boccio's, his name was Danny "Babe" Ferraro?

Date: Tue 06/24/08 6:08AM
From: John

Message: A few months ago google maps hadn't done my old neighborhood (Lincoln between Jamaica and Etna) at street level, but I checked yesterday, and it's there. I "toured" the neighborhood and saw the house I grew up in, friend's houses, the Etna Street stores (the candy store is a laundromat, Schmidt's Deli is still a grocery store). P S 171 looks small, so does Blessed Sacrament (compared to some churches here in Michigan). Jack's pizzeria is still on Fulton near Crescent, but I didn't see Crescent Bakery or the Chinese restaurant upstairs. Mellor's and Adelphi are still there, as is Donnelly & Purcell Funeral home. Tilotta's building is still there, but Trunz Meat Market is gone.(I remember the ORIGINAL Tilotta's front, and how it was changed after the fire). The "stoneyard", at the foot of Lincoln sure has changed, too.

Good memories, but it made me sad to see so many changes. And, everything seemed so big when I was little - the school, church, even my old house - and it looks so different now. Still, I wouldn't trade the memories of those days.

Date: Mon 06/23/08 10:40PM
From: Autumn Ave) Michele Girardi (Satin)

Message: Hi ALL,
wow I can`t belive all the Posting from the People I know and Lived with all from the same Block , same School, Same Neighborhood. wow this is an unreal website, Yes to all you see The Name Above I did Marry Gary W.Satin, we are Married 18years and Have a few Kids, Funny How Life turnes out.
Well if you Know My Name and remember me Just send me an Email.

Date: Mon 06/23/08 10:40PM
From: Lydia

Message: I love this site so many memories, Thank You for sharing all those memories, I wish that I could find more from Brownsville entering into E.Ny Stone & Hull street that's the place I grew up untill my young teens. East N.Y was in my 20's 30's 40's Fulton , Arlington, Cresent, Norwood, there all have very special meaning to me, St Rita's, Blessed Sacrament, Thank You, Thank You a Thousand times God Bless

Date: Mon 06/23/08 10:33PM
From: Michele Girardi (Autumn Ave)

Message: Hi Guys & Girls, Omg I was Just emailed this website from a Former Brooklyn(ite) I can`t belive some of the Faces I saw & Knew God How Long ago was this , I am Not counting are you.
I Know Live In NC, almost 2 years came from Long Island(where else) and Now am Here with all these Rednecks.
Send me and Email if you remember me.

Date: Mon 06/23/08 8:42AM
From: John Boccio

Message: My brother Frank ("Farouk") and I lived at 304 Ess** St, corner of Liberty Ave. Went to St. Rita's in the 1940's; played baseball on the NOMADs with Sal ("Olmo") Della Croce, Vinny Leto, Sal ("Beefy") Bifulco, Sal (Stanky) Franculino and others at Highland Park, Parade Grounds and other un-named lots. Softball, basketball, handball at Liberty Park. Married a local girl from Milford St. Kitty Sottilaro.

Date: Sun 06/22/08 2:30PM
From: Andy Santoriello

Message: Remember;

Date: Sat 06/21/08 3:07PM
From: Lenore Catapano

Message: Hi, This message is for Pat Tag..which Catapano's did you know?

Date: Fri 06/20/08 8:10PM
From: Pat Tag

Message: My parents were married in st. RITA'S IN THE 1940 My mom lived in e.n.y. I looked at your school pix I'm sorry but I don't know any one from your cla** .I did see names that I knew from other years.In 1964 I was 14 years old .I THINK I'm older than you. Did you know the CATAPANO'S they lived on ATKINS Ave.They were a large family of 5 children 3 boys 2 girls you lived close to them. I won't be able to go to the reuion ,I'll be away then, but my good friend Ba**o will be there with his family. Maybe you'll meet him ,He's a great guy. I enjoy talking to you about e.n.y.It was a great place to live. Well take care.
