Date: Thu 07/17/14 1:26AM From: John Sulmonte Email: Message: Was hanging out at Etna & Grant Ave.nite of big blackout.Grew up on Crescent St.& Atlantic Ave.and Fulton St. & Autumn Ave.Attended Blessed Sacrament till 1967 H. S. Tom Edison in Jamaica.Lived across street from Lucky Strike bowling alley, and yes I loved Willie"s Italian ices!!!! |
Date: Fri 06/27/14 4:27PM From: Dorothy (Weber) Ingui Email: Message: I found The East New York Project while looking up the Waterworks on Atlantic Avenue. Between Richmond and Chestnut Streets. I have since sent the link to friends and family. My family lived at 3242 Fulton Street from 1957 till the early nineties. Nothing can ever compare to growing up in Brooklyn. |
Date: Mon 06/9/14 3:45PM From: Larry Eferstein Email: Message: Attended PS 190, JHS 166, 149 Live on Williams and New Lots, Hendrix and Blake. Played Baseball Carvel Bullets 1961-1963, Linden Blvd. League @ JHS 166. Played PAL 1964-1965. I Moved to FL 1965 to Play Baseball Professionally. Please contact me if anyone remembers. |
Date: Mon 05/19/14 10:20PM From: Cheryl Brymer (Gross) Email: Message: I was stunned to find MY kindergarten cla** picture from P.S. 76... Mrs. Salzman was my favorite teacher...brought back a flood of memories! |
Date: Thu 04/3/14 10:42AM From: Rick Email: Message: Hi Nancy. The posts are current, Pastor Huneke pa**ed away in the fall of 2013 and the Lutheran Church of the Reformation (not Redeemer) closed its doors on Feb 23, 2014. |
Date: Wed 04/2/14 7:55PM From: Nancy Hansen Email: Message: Noted today, 2 April 2014, your website. Am trying to deduce what YEAR the notes are from or How current is this post? Particularly the notice re the death of pastor Huneke from Lutheran Church of the Redeemer. NLH |
Date: Mon 03/10/14 3:59PM From: Linda Nease Scott Email: Message: My grandmother, Madeline Anselette Nostrand, graduated from PS 108 in 1908. I have the picture of the graduating cla**, the pin and the program I am happy to share. How can I best do that? |
Date: Tue 03/4/14 8:56AM From: Gerry Carter Email: Message: I got a few e-mails from people. I should have mentioned the new group site Highland Park-East New York is a Facebook group site. You have to go to Facebook to find it. |
Date: Sun 03/2/14 2:56PM From: Gerry Carter Email: Message: We set up a new neighborhood group site. Highland Park-East New York, Brooklyn. It has an open forum where anyone can join and you can discuss anything about the old neighborhood. It's not like the other neighborhood site which has a closed membership and you get thrown off if they don't like your posts. So if you hung around in East New York and hung around in Highland Park, Liberty Party, Fulton & Rockaway, Fountain and Pitkin, Jerome and Glenmore or wherever come and check it out post your experiences. |
Date: Wed 02/26/14 11:51AM From: Barbara Griffin Email: Message: My first home was at 657 Stone Ave., then moved as a baby to 297 Dumont Ave. in the Brownsville Houses. In about 5th grade we moved to East New York: 707 Schenck Ave., then 641 then 692 Williams Ave (across from the Sephardic synagogue). I attended P.S. 175, JHS 166 (Gershwin) and Thomas Jefferson HS. Moved to the lower East Side after high school and attended Brooklyn College. I remember shopping on Pitkin Ave., at Fortunoffs and also remember Sol's ice cream. |