Date: Tue 03/4/08 8:35PM From: Cathleen Email: Message: Just wanted to let people know that the "KIDS" from St Malachy's are at it again. We are trying to get another reunion going. Go to the web site and vote for a date. The site is . Lets make this one as big as the last one. It is opened to everyone so even if you did go to St Malachy's go to the site a drop a note. |
Date: Tue 03/4/08 5:55PM From: roy marcinkiewicz Email: Message: Good to see some names from St. Michael's cla** of '68, Bonnie Bloodgood, Valerie Hehl and Steve Kozak. Drop me a line if you remember me. Love to hear from anyone from the past. P.S. The bakery on Ashford and Liberty was A&D Bakery, and it did have the best pizza. It was even good cold. I remember when it was 12 cents per slice. |
Date: Tue 03/4/08 6:37AM From: Ted Maciag Email: JTMACIAG@VERIZON.NET Message: For Phil Santello After reading your posts and that of Joey Bloodgoods Daughter Bonnie let me offer some names you may remember: Joey Bloodgood, Joey Cola, Frank Dechent, Ray Leva**eur, Joe Amato, Tom Lau, Frank DuPont J. Ryan, James Brady, C. Fotchman, Ted Sudel. They comprised the boys from the graduation cla** at St. Michael's, 1948. |
Date: Mon 03/3/08 1:53PM From: Rosemarie Email: Message: LORENZO`S RESTURANT was the best in East NY |
Date: Mon 03/3/08 8:10AM From: kevin Email: Message: joey, i agree with you, best pizza i ever had was at the bakery on liberty and ashfor. |
Date: Sun 03/2/08 2:25PM From: Sabina Battista Anselmo Email: Message: Thanks for this great site. One of my former cla**mates from St. Malachy's sent it to me today. A couple of years ago, another graduate from St. Malachy's and friends organized a wonderful reunion for St. Malachy's. The invitation was extended to included anyone from East New York.It was a huge success with over 400 people attending from all over the country. The organizers did a fantastic job. I was fortunate to see many of my cla**mates from St. Malachy's, Cla** of 55 and the cla** mates of my younger brother, Vincent from the Cla** of 58. We lived on Highland Blvd, opposite the entrance to the playground. Going down memory lane is wonderful. Thanks for all your efforts in putting this site together. |
Date: Sun 03/2/08 12:23PM From: Dennis Hehl Email: Message: I was born @ 112 Linwood Street in 1958 , I attended PS108 and then St Michaels .I moved from there in 1967 , I have a lot of memories when I get a chance I will send some pictures to this website { school etc} . Dennis Hehl , Mahopac NY |
Date: Sat 03/1/08 8:31PM From: Frank Pasqualo Email: Message: The name of the Bakery that made the best Sicilian Pizza on fulton street between Linwood and Shepard was Emdeles Bakery. Tony sold it by the slice and the only time it was hot was when it first came out of the oven , he would not put it back in the oven to heat it. The pie was about 40 slices it was 20 cents a slice. This was the same time that Jacks was 15 cents . |
Date: Sat 03/1/08 8:03PM From: Therese Email: Message: Thanks Mike, I def. agree. used to go in there while the big pot of sauce was cooking with the meatballs and Uncle Jerry used to ask me if i wanted something. Always had the meatball hero, with the soaked up bread from the sauce.. |