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Date: Thu 02/28/08 6:52AM
From: Judy Gallagher Close

Message: A Dog Day (Winter) Afternoon in Highland Park

Here's a special winter sledding memory I want to share from long ago in Highland Park, now that this mild winter has finally dumped some snow! One winter Saturday afternoon around 1985-86 after a snowstorm
a day or so before, I took my young, bundled-up son out of the house to go sledding in Highland Park. We walked up Linwood Street and about a half-block away
from the park, pa**ed an unleashed, curly-haired gray dog (a "schnoodle" type) sitting on the sidewalk in the sunshine--the only person outside was a man washing his car across the street. Probably the dog's owner, we thought. When we got to the corner to wait for traffic to pa**, the dog came up beside my son (holding his red snow disc) and
waited with us.

We all crossed Jamaica Ave. together, and headed for the ballfield hill right inside the gate. I stood watching my son at the bottom of the hill next to a tree with the dog, also watching him. The dog wagged
his tail, barked a little, and then joined in to run next to the snow disc as my son went sliding up and down the hill, every time. Many times, they both ended up in the snow pile at the bottom of the hill, but still had a great time. We both lobbed a bunch
of snowballs at the dog, which he enjoyed catching in his mouth on-the-jump. And, no one had ever come looking for the dog--I kept turning around and checking to see.

Then, the sun started to go down and it got colder, so the dog decided to leave us after more than an hour of such playful antics. We watched the dog with fascination, as he again, waited for the traffic to pa**, then crossed the avenue to go "home." We stayed a while longer, then headed back home down Linwood St., looking for signs of the dog
or the man we had seen washing his car--we wanted to tell him what his fabulous dog had done and how much we enjoyed the afternoon. No sign of either one could be seen. It was like the dog was a stray--but he was so well behaved and smart, that didn't seem
possible to us. It sure seemed to us like the dog had gone up to the park with kids to enjoy the snow many times before, and was just waiting for another chance.

It's a special memory we still bring up when we see kids sledding in the park near us today. Thanks, Rick, for all the great photos of kids sledding in Highland Park and yesteryear snowstorms in our old
neighborhood. Are there more "winter fun" memories other Cypress Hills/ENYers would like to share?

Judy Gallagher Close

Date: Tue 02/26/08 11:56PM

Message: Just want to say hello to anyone who knew me from Sunnyside in the 70's. Thank you Ricardo Gomes posting my FK Lane pics. Emails are welcome. Felix O

Date: Tue 02/26/08 10:25PM
From: Phil Santella aka Dukie

This message is for Bonnie (bloodgood)Mannino.

Hi Bonnie, Just saw your message. and am responding. This is the Phil you spoke off.
Yes i hung with both your Mom and Dad and your Aunt Pat. Sorry to hear your Mom and Dad both pa**ed. I knew your Uncle Jimmy just pa**ed this past year. Jimmy was God Father to our son Joseph,back in 1956
My wife and i still keep in touch with some of the old crew. Can send you some pictures of your Mom and Dad,that i did not put in tapeshare. You can see some of my photos on Warwick st. Cleveland St. Richmond St. Liberty Playground. E.N.Y. High etc. Having trouble sending messages,. hope this goes thru.
You can also e-mail me at

Date: Tue 02/26/08 2:40PM
From: Mario Zambrano

Message: Cara Stella,
Como Stai? Io sto bene.
Welcome aboard, glad to see you found the site.

Tanti cari saluti a te a alla tua famiglia.
Ciao, Mario

Date: Tue 02/26/08 1:57PM
From: Mostacciuolo Stella

Message: Please add me to the directory. Thanks.

Date: Tue 02/26/08 1:18PM
From: Joanne Kirk

Message: To Bonnie Bloodgood,

After I wrote you yesterday I looked at the old FK Lane yearbook and your picture was there and you actually signed your name and a little blurb over the picture like we used to do LOL!

Kirk is my married name. My maiden name was Spitz. I knew Dawn Kubler from 171. It was a lonnnnng time ago! LOL!!

Adele Mannarino is my daughter's Mother In Law. Small world. I grew up right by Highland Park. Write me at my e-mail address up above.

Joanne Spitz Kirk

Date: Tue 02/26/08 12:20PM
From: Bonnie Bloodgood Mannarino

Message: Hi Joanne,
Yes I did work at Chemical Bank. I started with the work-study program at Lane and stayed with the bank for almost 15years when I left to have my kids. I think I remember you is Kirk your married name? I hung out with Marie Bila Dawn Kubler and Peggy Heeney to name a few lost touch after school though.
Adele Mannarino is a distant cousin of my husbands I don't think he has seen her in over 20yrs. We moved to Staten Island when my daughter was born 22yrs ago. Believe it or not I'v met a few people who also grew up in ENY here on Staten Island! Love looking at this website brings back wonderful memories wish my kids could understand what it was like to live in a neighborhood like ours they laugh at me now everytime they see me on the computer looking at the old pictures. Nice to hear from you. Hope to talk to you again.


Date: Mon 02/25/08 10:43PM
From: Joey "roni" Perrone

Message: Glad to see your still looking in. It would be nice to find another VIKING. JP

Date: Mon 02/25/08 1:36PM
From: Joanne Kirk

Message: This is for Bonnie Bloodgood Mannarino....

Hi Bonnie,

I knew a girl named Bonnie Bloodgood who worked in the 70's at Chemical Bank at 55 Water Street. Was that you? I also think we went to school together in Lane. I too am Cla** of 1972. Write and let me know if that is you. Also, are you related to Adele Mannarino?

Joanne Kirk

Date: Mon 02/25/08 11:48AM
From: RONNIE / DR.J.



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