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Date: Mon 12/10/07 1:40PM
From: Daniel Mauro

Message: New email address. Thanks!

Date: Sat 12/8/07 10:16AM
From: matt wasilefsky

Message: First of all thanks to Mr. Gomes for building and maintaining this site. I have seen a few similar sites but nothing that looks this good. I saw some postings by names that are familiar. There was a posting by a Flannery I went to school with her brother Harold. There was another posting by Barry Holland I lived a couple doors down and I played with you occasionally. There have not been a lot of posts by the folks that lived on crescnet and pine streets between fulton and I think ridgewood. I know you guys are out there. Anybody know the Salvatos, Kevin Ryan, the Bartletts and Hendersons. I lived at 190 crescent street and later moved to 86 Pine Street.

Date: Fri 12/7/07 10:08PM
From: jorge falero

Message: E.N.Y.V.T.H.S. cla** of 1971

Date: Fri 12/7/07 8:59PM
From: Louis P. Alba

Message: Look forward to hearing from old friends or cla**mates.

Date: Fri 12/7/07 11:57AM

Message: Danny,
I spent alot of time there myself mostly in the summer when i wasn't bowling at night.

Id the Charlie you were referring to named Charlie Denny. I watched him play on that table against Onofrio Lauri and a few other old timers in a tournament.

Remember the little skinny guy called "the Hat".

I used to pair with Ronnie Wingard shooting pool and bowling at the Hale. He was great at both sports and kept my pockets full of money as a teenager until he got himself over his head into drugs.

Date: Thu 12/6/07 3:27PM
From: bob milward

Message: Vic loved to go to Florida on vacation. The poor guy will never see Florida again. Did Mike Eufemia die from aids ?

Date: Thu 12/6/07 3:07PM
From: Danny Ferraro

Message: Vic was a real good guy, what a shame. I hung out there for a few years, much of the time when Mike Eufemia was working, you guys remember him? He still holds the worlds high run record, 625 in exibition. The #5 table in front was only one no one except Mike and Bicycle Charlie were allowed to play on, we use to give Vic a hard time for telling us to get away from that table, he kept it covered if they weren't playing! Played money ball, (Chicago) with all the Vario's quite often, great times.

Date: Thu 12/6/07 11:22AM
From: Gerry Carter

Message: Phil

Vic was a good guy. A number a years later I was arrested for a minor charge and I got to talk to one of the detectives (Panarella)about the case. He told me how Vic died. He said he was stabbed numerious times with a K/55 and while the old man lied at the bottom of the stairs was stomped to death. It was a known fact in the neighborhood who did it, but, they got away with it. I hope they rot in hell.

Date: Thu 12/6/07 11:03AM
From: Phil Aguece

Message: Gerry,
I too hung out at Logan Billiards and agree that we were all saddened when Vic was killed. I remember that his son Lenny tried to carry on the business but he seemed to lose interest after a while. Vic could be a bit outspoken and he was a tough old goat but he wasn't a bad guy. He just went about his business and kept the place under control.

As for the sc** that killed him they did suffer and probably rightfully so. Punks hopped up on drugs. I know that they lead miserable lives and will pay for eternity for the crime they committed.
