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Date: Sun 11/18/07 4:19PM


Date: Sun 11/18/07 4:01PM


HIGH--Gang, You know who you are. Whata party.

Played on the ENY Vikings Football team till 77 when I joined the Army.

Date: Sun 11/18/07 9:41AM
From: hal smith

Message: THE END OF AN ERA!!!! Jahns Ice Cream Parlour Estate Sale
Reply to:
Date: 2007-11-17, 3:21PM EST

Once in a lifetime Estate Sale:

Please join us at Jahns Old Fashioned Ice Cream Parlour where we will be selling off antiques and memorabilia!

-Victorian Light Fixtures
-Original Jahn Paintings
-Wall affixed light fixtures
-Coca Cola Tiffany style lamp shade
-Moxie Lamp shades
-Dishes, Sundae Glasses, and Metal sundae Glasses
Everything Must go!!!

117-03 Hillside Avenue
Richmond Hill NY 11418

Date: Sat 11/17/07 9:49PM
From: Anthony Liccardo

Message: Wow, this website brings back alot of memories of my childhood. I lived at 46 Jerome Street from 1969-1993. My mother moved out in 1998. I remember Travia the congressman when I was a child. he was two houses from me. When I saw Pinky's drugstore I couldn't believe the picutres of Pinky. I remember him from the early 1970's. I still have a comic book I bought in his store back at that time. My family has many photos so I will send some to you around Christmas time. The Eugene Ng your brother mentions from P.S. 108 is actually Eugene Louie Ng. I graduated the same year as him and he was the valedictorian of our school. I'll share some of my stories and pass the website information on to other ENY alumni. Great website !

Date: Tue 11/13/07 7:00PM
From: Angela Crescimanno Affisco

Message: Hi Lela,

Being that I'm a couple of years older than you are, I guess we remember different "kids". When I left the neighborhood (at 18 my folks moved to Woodhaven) I really never saw many people again.

I do remember Jerry Martone. Harry & Bobby Seinsoth lived upstairs from me. The only Victor I knew was their cousin, Victor Morgan and his brother Cleavy who lived down the street towards you. Also the Augustinis brothers. The name Persico sounds familiar but I can't visualize who they were. Next door from me was a doctor's office and his granddaugther, Angel Ranieri lived there. On the other side of me were the Crescenti's, their son's name was Gaspar (older than I was so you probably wouldn't know him), and above them were the Russo's, daughter Grace and son. Across the street, above Willie's there was a boy named Anthony.

I do remember playing ring-a-leavio (sp?), and the boys playing johnny-on-the-pony. They were always playing stickball in the street and stoop ball was always fun. Of course skating on the block was always an adventure with all the cracks in the sidewalk where the tree roots pushed things up.

Hope this helped a little.


Date: Tue 11/13/07 11:50AM
From: Angela Reina Stein

Message: Hi Angela:

Reading your note about the feast of Saints Cosmo and Damian going passed my house brought back so many memories. I remember hearing the 3 piece band playing music across the street starting at 6:00 a.m. every morning till the feast was over.

Does anyone remember "Barney's" grocery store? My parents owned it in the middle 50's till 1961. I have a photo of my Dad in front of the store and I'll scan it in. We lived above the store on 678 Glenmore Ave. between Ashford and Cleveland. After my parents sold the store, we moved above my grandparents, Angelina & Jack Reina at 684 Glenmore Ave.

Outside of St. Rita's church (where Bob and I got married 40 years ago), there was a bronz(?) plaque honoring the East New York boys who went off to WWII. My father, my uncles Joe and Jimmy's names are on that plaque. Want to get back there and take a photo if it's still there.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone. Hey Paula, thanks for taking on such a huge responsibility by handling this reunion.


Date: Tue 11/13/07 8:41AM
From: Catherine (Cappello) Longo

Message: Dear Marianne (Gunther).

It was not just your name but your comment about "being assulted". I stayed at Bishop McDonnell after you left for KLane and had the pleasure of the Franklin Avenue Shuttle daily assulting. My mother gave me a large hat pin to use. She just did not get it. I am laughing to much to write.

Date: Mon 11/12/07 6:26PM
From: Lela Grier

Message: To Angela

Angela, me and all my cousins lived on Linwood St between Glenmore and Pitkin. I was born in 1949. I remember Willie the tailor. He was such a great guy. I didn't remember any of the names of the people you knew but you lived next door to Jerry Martone and Harry Dinasaur. Do you remember them and what happened to them.

I also remember Ronnie and Bobbie Persico and their cousin Victor (who was so handsome). I know Ronnie died many years ago but don't know what happened to that family.

If you know or hear from any of the people that lived on Linwood I would love to know. Thanks

I lived across the street from you next to Crazy Frita.

Date: Mon 11/12/07 11:20AM
From: Angela Crescimanno Affisco

Message: I remembered one more thing. While attending PS 158 I remember the rumor that the gang the "Fordham Baldies" were coming to get us and shave our heads. Everyone was terrified.

My sons always laugh at me when I tell them this story.

Anyone out there remember that?

Date: Mon 11/12/07 10:50AM
From: Angela Crescimanno Affisco

Message: Hi East New Yorkers,

This is a wonderful site. It brings back so many memories. My cousin Angela Reina Stein told me about it.

I can still remember the stairs coming down St. Rita's church and my sister, Anita Crescimanno, as a teenager always getting nauseous during mass because you couldn't eat before communion. She also got married from St. Rita's and I can still remember the bridal coming down those stairs in a synchronized fashion.

St. Michael's dance was so much fun. There were so many kids there trying to get in that my feet never touched the ground until I actually got into the dance.

I was born in 1945 and lived on Linwood St. between Pitkin and Glenmore Avenues. Right across from my home was Willie's Tailor Shop and all the kids seem to grativate there. Willie was a very nice man. There was a candy store right down the street on Pitkin. Of course there was the ever famous "El" overhead train. Going in the opposite direction towards Glenmore, there was a little bakery on the corner of Glenmore & Linwood. I don't remember the name, could be Ambrosio's, where they made the best lemon ice I've ever had.

Going in that direction to Libery Park and getting on the swings was always fun. Kids could go there by themselves (not like today) and have adventures. I can remember swinging so high that it was a miracle that I didn't flip over the bar. We were invincible then, or so we thought.

And then being old enough to go the Arlington Library with friends - that was exciting. I used to love to read and it was so cozy there - the different nooks.

Originally, the Italian Feast used to go past my Grandparents house on Glenmore Avenue. When I was very little, I thought this was done in honor of my grandparents. I can remember the men carrying the statues and everyone putting dollars on it. I can remember the music that played in the streets, the cotton candy, the zeppole, the games.

My friends and I attended PS 158, Berriman JHS 64, and Franklin K. Lane HS - class of '63.

Some of my childhood pals were Domenica Misiano, Isabel Taurozzi, Josephine Guagliardo, Selena Berman, and so many others. About 4 years ago I attended a JHS 64 reunion in Long Island. I'm hoping that next year I'll be able to attend the reunion that Paula Smith Sorvillo is planning in Ozone Park for Lane '62 and '63 class.

Well, it was great reminiscing and if anyone remembers me, feel free to contact me.

Angela (Crescimanno)Affisco

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