Date: Sat 11/3/07 2:40AM From: Trish Email: Message: I was delighted to see mentioned and pictured the Knorpp Candy Corp. It belonged to my grandfather. I have wonderful memories of visiting there. He never automated so fell behind the industrial revolution. He did though create the first marschallow chicks, rabbit, pumpkins and other creations that "Peeps" took credit for. Sam Born began his factory in 1917 in Brooklyn, whereas my grandfather Maxwell Knorpp was making them before 1910. IF you have any other knowledge of the factory I would love to know it. Wneh my grandfather became to old to run and manage it, he closed it. When he died my father sold it to a toy manufacturer for storage. A few yrs later there was a fire and it was destroyed. I've long since lost the newspaper accountof the fire. Anyway, thanks for the interesting site. Patricia J. Knorpp |
Date: Fri 11/2/07 4:31PM From: Irene Banks(Bosak) Email: Message: To Lela, Hi. So nice to see your name here. I know Basso will be happy to see names that he remembers. How are you? Bronco and I are still together. He says hi. Hope to hear from you. Gypsy |
Date: Wed 10/31/07 10:38PM From: Jeff Email: Message: Kevin!!! LOL How is Loretta and family? The Lombard's are well, enjoying living in Virginia. We may actually be in your neck of the woods pretty soon for Thanksgiving... Amber's sister lives in Charlotte and wants us to drive down from Richmond. We haven't decided yet. I'll stay in touch now that I have your email address. Talk to you soon, Jeff |
Date: Tue 10/30/07 9:17PM From: angela Email: Message: Would like to speak to any alumni from St. Michaels grammer or high school...1969 |
Date: Tue 10/30/07 8:47PM From: Leonora Ervolino (Cerckia) Email: Message: Hi this is great I often reminisce about the old times Do you remember the candy store on glenmore next to the gas station if u do reminisce with me. |
Date: Tue 10/30/07 8:47PM From: Leonora Ervolino (Cerckia) Email: Message: Hi this is great I often reminisce about the old times Do you remember the candy store on glenmore next to the gas station if u do reminisce with me. |
Date: Tue 10/30/07 8:00PM From: Lela Email: Message: Noticed that Donald DiGennaro sent some pictures in. Donald if you get this message I would love to see how your doing. Remember the good old days on Linwood Street. How about all those gang fights you guys used to have, especially when Jerry Boy was around. The family would love to hear from you. Lela |
Date: Tue 10/30/07 4:47PM From: nancy mangiaracina Email: Message: Hi to carol C. Its your neighbor nancy M. remember us going in your "cool" pool? you and the Destafano's had the best. remember i practually lived at your house???? lots of fun and do you remember you were in my bridal party?? alot of memories there. how are you???? |
Date: Tue 10/30/07 4:17AM From: Nancy M. Email: Message: Hi Lele, Yes i remember you and most of all your cousin Julia (we were good friends) How is she doing? tell her to send me a e mail. i don't have lombardo's e mail or know of her where abouts. sorry. i last saw gerard at st. rita reunion...i live on the island where are you? Nancy |
Date: Mon 10/29/07 10:35PM From: Lela Grier Russo Email: Message: Used to live on Linwood between Pitkin and Glenmore. Don't know if any of you remember the "family". We were all cousins, some of the names are Joe Grier, Jerry Taliercio, Leonora Ervolino, just to mention a few. Most of us use to hang out at Liberty Park and we all went to St. Rita's. Would love to hear from some of the old crew and see what everyone is up to. Then moved on to Highland Park and eventually married Jamie Russo. Most of those people are long gone but if any of you are out there would love to hear from you. |