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Date: Mon 10/29/07 8:28PM
From: mary jane.

Message: hi this is mary jane prizzi. i was wondering if anybody knew linda vasone's email address ; or anything that would get me to get in touch with her. she lived on essex street. i know that ios not the correct spelling of her name though, thank you.
mary ---> jane.

Date: Mon 10/29/07 8:14AM
From: kevin gillen

Message: Hey Jeff,


Date: Sun 10/28/07 8:30PM
From: Therese

Message: Hey Nilda, how is Robert doing? say hello for me

Date: Sun 10/28/07 3:09PM
From: Nilda Ruiz (Farmingdale, NY)

Message: This site is amazing. It really makes one think of the past and how nice things were. Look forward to the area reunion.

Date: Sat 10/27/07 7:42PM
From: Tom Earvolino

Message: Hey,Dom Most, I thought that was you...I dont know if you remember me or not,Joe Earvolino's "EVER" little brother. GREAT memories of Shepard av on this site.Your younger sister Stella was in my class in PS108.I also remember your English Setter BUTCH .send me an e.mail

Date: Sat 10/27/07 11:44AM
From: Tom Earvolino

Message: Great site,bringing back some great memories,attended St.Rita,IS 171 in the 60's & 70's ,I lived on Highland place,but hung out on Sheapard av when my big brother Joe would let me,remember many awesome stories about THE OLD HOUSE at 96 sheapard av.Also had alot of friends on Hale av ...Joe Listorti,Anthony Regina,Joe Todesco,Sal Toscano,Ray Castracado sorry if spelling is wrong,if anybody remembers me send me an e.mail

Date: Thu 10/25/07 4:37PM
From: Peggy (Murphy) Burco

Message: My sister Kathy just returned from her St. Michaels reunion and emailed all of her 5 Murphy sisters about this site. It brings back so many memories from Ashford street. We think that is my sister Teresa in the tug of war pic. I have many memories of playing in the street, halloween partys and the Heizes ice cream parlor. Roller skating and double dutch jump rope in front of my house...thanks for the memories

Date: Thu 10/25/07 6:25AM
From: MARY JANE :D : )

Message: hello i'm mike and jimmy prizzi's sister. my friend told me about this website and i am looking foward to re-connecting with people that i used to know. please feel free to e-mail me and keep in touch

Date: Wed 10/24/07 10:42AM
From: Jeff Lombardi

Message: This website is incredible. Who is the owner? The pictures of the old neighborhood bring back so many great childhood memories. I was born in 1962 when we lived on Bradford between Arlington and Fulton 1962-1964 then we moved to Essex in between Ridgewood and Arlington in 1964 where I lived until 1988. My parents finally sold our house in 1996. One fond memory I have is the "pick-up" tackle football we played in the snow or the rain in lower Highland Park with as many kids who lived on Essex, Linwood, Shepherd etc; as we could recruit, most of us had the necessary equipment (except the pants I remember wearing my jeans) like helmet, jersey, knee pads but everyone had on different uniforms because everyone rooted for different teams. I wore my Joe Namth #12 jersey and my Jets helmet with a linebacker's facemask. What a great childhood we had. My kids are suburbanites, growing up too fast, i wish they would have experienced what it's like to jump on bike and ride to corner store with posse of friends in tow, for a small coke and bag of wise potatoe chips LOL.. Thanks Webmaster for creating this great resource!

Date: Tue 10/23/07 8:17PM
From: Marianne (Gunther) Langlois

Message: My sister just emailed this site to me. What memories this brings back. Just saw the old pics from the Block party on Lincoln Avenue and remember all the nights I hung out at PS 171 in the school yard. Remember all the kids from the neighborhood. Went to Bishop Mcdonnell for freshman year and then to FK Lane. Mom said if your going to be assaulted, you might as well have it happen locally! Graduated Blessed Sacrament in 1969. I knew both Kenny Simmons and Glen Gochal, lots of memories. Lived on Autumn Ave between Fulton and Ridgewood. Played in the church yard down the street with lots of kids from the block. Remember the '65 blackout well - was at Miss D's Dancing school. Walked home in the dark by candlelight. Have lots of pictures of Cypress Hills in the 60's and 70's that I would love to share. Would not have wanted to grow up anywhere else. Last saw my old house on Autumm Ave the day of my Dad's funeral several years ago. After years in California and Michigan, I couldn't believe the change. Hope to hear from anyone from the old neighborhood. Maria Stazzone, if you are out there, please email me.

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