Date: Wed 09/19/07 8:55AM From: Tina Ascher Email: Message: I am one of the ten Ascher children, I grew up on Warwick Street,we all attended St. Michaels School, any old friends or neighbors out there ???? |
Date: Wed 09/19/07 6:28AM From: Phil Aguece Email: Message: Hello Betty, I was in Carolyn's class of 1960. I see that you mentioned the roller rink and Jahn's. the rink is long gone but Jahn's remains to this day. Still making the same wild ice cream concoctions also. My favorite has always been Tall in the Saddle. The Jahn's in Richmond Hill, nect to the old Keith's Theater is the only one left. |
Date: Tue 09/18/07 8:23PM From: BETTYA ABBRACCIAMENTO(CAPPADORA) Email: BMENTO@VERIZON.NET Message: I am hopeful that there are some of my classmates out there who may read this. I would love to hear from you. Pauline Casillo,Betty Jane KELLY, Catherine Cuisano, Carol and Lucille De Lape,Mary Donlon. These are a few classmates of the class of 1957. If you are out there, do you remember the Saturdays at the roller rink and then going to Jans ice cream parlor on Hillside Ave? They were very carefree times. |
Date: Tue 09/18/07 4:13PM From: Phil Aguece Email: Message: Patti, Sorry to hear about your loss of your mom. Tommy Kehoe and I send our condolences. Be well and always remember that ENY will remain with us forever. Phil Aguece |
Date: Tue 09/18/07 2:41PM From: Patrick Parisi Email: Message: Wow preciuos precious memories, where can you grow-up and still have memories so fresh in your mind that it seems like only yesterday... I would like to see more input from my generation come guys i know your out there,Here I am living in north Carolina and i have found the time to pay my respect's to a great nieghborhood and a great up bringing...I see Fran Canastrasi,,,thank you ...looks like me and you were the only ones to post something on Mike Prizzi"s memorial web site,,,aside from Jackie Petrone and my cousin Patty Ammirati,,,,,,,,i wish i could give my children and my grandchildren a fraction of what it was like,,,,,it seemed so big almost like it would never end but sadly it did....and so the memories remain and are fresh in our mind...March on ENY,,,March on |
Date: Tue 09/18/07 5:38AM From: Phil Aguece Email: Message: Carol, The ride at Steeplchase was the King of the Hill. Once you got to the top it was hard to stay there. I always liked the spinning barrel and the horse ride. Simple fun that doesn't exist today. Remember the chant in the halls of DHS lead by Joe Cantone??? |
Date: Mon 09/17/07 6:01PM From: Pete Bleignier Email: Message: Lived at 54 Cresent St. 1 block dowm from Jamica Ave. Under the Jamice Ave. El. Went to PS 65, then moved to NJ in 1952. I recall swimming at 171 HS in the summer for .02 cent an hour, naked. Those were the good ole days. |
Date: Mon 09/17/07 3:39PM From: Joey Email: Message: Welcome Rick !! |
Date: Mon 09/17/07 8:50AM From: Rick Email: Message: Thanks Joey. Looks like we had some automated spamming. I have deleted the entries and will keep watch. I may have to upgrade the security on this page. |
Date: Mon 09/17/07 6:58AM From: joey Email: Message: I WOULDN"T open any links that people put on here,, you can get a virus if you don't know the people.... If the person or persons in charge of this site , it will be smart to delete the 4 posts before me......... |