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Date: Sun 09/2/07 8:23PM
From: connie palmieri

Message: Hi Betty, its' been many years, it seems as though everyone has been reliving the past through this site, it's great. How are you and how is Carolyn, haven't talked to her in years. Last time I saw her I was returning from a trip upstate with my kids and we stopped and visited for awhile, we were such good friends, would love to hear from you. Connie (DeCrescenzo)

Date: Sun 09/2/07 7:57PM
From: betty abbracciamento

Message: Hello Jim. I did not go to St. Michaels, but I do remember the st. Michaels dances on Friday night. I also know Sarahs sweet shop shop. my cousins, Carrie and Danny Blanda lived on Jerome Street around the corner from the sweet shop.
You mentioned Sunnyside Ave. My sister Carol,had dated a boy, Willie Ciazza who passed on many years back, he lived on Sunnyside. I do not know the kids from that area, only thru my sister and her friends at the time. I remember my sister would hang out at an ice cream parlor they called

Date: Sun 09/2/07 7:46PM
From: betty abbracciamento

Message: Pat,please ask your grandmother if she remembers me! By the way,I read your brother flew pigeons. my uncle Benny Blanda, the undertaker,also flew pigeons for many years. His funeral home was on Liberty across the street from Joe the taylor. Many of the kids from St. rita would hang out at the taylor shop. A few of names I remember are Charlie Iovino,Ronnie Basso,Bill Deliberti,Ann Carocciola,her cousin Josephine Joya.Josephines sister Carol married Andre Marchetti, who has sinced passed away.

Date: Sun 09/2/07 7:28PM
From: Jim Kelly

Message: I saw some posts about the games we kids played in Brooklyn. On Sunnyside Avenue we played "off the wall, stoop ball, box ball, punch ball, hit the coin" and with our baseball cards we would play flips and leaners in addition to a game we played in the street with bottlecaps to which I can't remember the name. I do remember filling the caps with candle wax to make them travel better and also rubbing the caps smooth for less friction when you hit them with your thumb. On a good day we would get a dime and head to Angelmeyers on Jamaica Avenue for a Egg Cream. Sometimes on the way home from Saint Michaels Elementary School we would stop at Sara's Sweet Shop on Fulton Street for candy. Those were the days, we were never bored!!

Date: Sun 09/2/07 6:50PM
From: Pat Annunziata

Message: Hi Betty. Phyllis is my grandmother.

Date: Sun 09/2/07 5:21PM
From: betty abbracciamento

Message: Thanks for getting back to me. I know Nancyanns family well. When is the reunion for St,Rita? I have no information. I would like to attend if possible.
Wew have a boys ophanage here in my town, sister Carmina was stationed here for a number of years after she returned from Rome. Sister Leocadia, who was the eighth grade teacher for a time at St. Rita was the director of the ophanage as well.I am sure we know many more people in common.
Have a great Labor Day. Will talk again soon.

Date: Sun 09/2/07 5:03PM
From: Phil Santella aka Duke

Hi! again Betty

My cousins, Charley and Lillian Palma moved out to the Port Jefferson area back in the late 50,s early 60,s They had three girls. MaryAnn, Karen, and Christie. All are married with family,s of their own. Cousin Charley has since passed away. Cousin Lil
still lives in the same house her and Charley shared for many years.
You mentioned Linwood St. and where you lived.
Am quite familiar with the area. Hung out in Liberty Park for many years. You also mentioned the names of nancyann Anita and Ginger. Assume you mean the Mangeracini girls. Anita was married to Marzy, Ginger married one of my close friends brothers Tommy Durando who as since passed away. Ive met Ginger the past few yrs. when some of the old crowd gets together. I see you grad.
St.Rita,s in 57. Me way back in 49 .
My wife and i will probobly miss this yrs.reunion of St.Rita, only because we will be attending Blessed Sacrament,s Reunion on Saturday Oct.13th. day after St.Rita,s.
Bad planning on someones part.

Ciao for now Betty

Date: Sun 09/2/07 4:58PM
From: Louis Schreiner

Message: Anyone remember "Johnny On The Pony", "Chinese Handball", Ring A Levy Oh",
or "Knuckles"?

Date: Sun 09/2/07 12:54PM
From: betty abbracciamento

Message: Pat, I also remember 3 feet off Germany. What ever happened to these games that filled the time for all of us. I am sure they have gone the way of no more creativity on the part of children. We all had to think up what we wanted to do to have fun. Today the thinking is done for our kids. I often wonder, is it better or what has been lost?
Are you related to Phyllis Annuziata? I believe I graduated with her from St. Rita in 1957.

Date: Sun 09/2/07 8:37AM
From: Pat Annunziata

Message: How about "Red light, Green light 1-2-3

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