Date: Thu 09/26/13 1:04AM From: hal smith Email: Message: how long does it take to put up new pictures??? things are getting pretty booooooring around here |
Date: Wed 09/25/13 1:25PM From: BASSO Email: ENYVIKING@AOL.COM Message: thank you rick,BASSO |
Date: Wed 09/25/13 8:46AM From: Roger Ski Gapinski Email: Message: Lot's of activity everyday on Facebook - Cypress Hills, in Brooklyn Join and enjoy! No spammers or advertisements though! |
Date: Tue 09/24/13 3:29PM From: Rick Email: Message: If its news you want, the Reservoir has been re-opened. New walkways, lighting and fences and they are even opening the path between the bays. I would have been there already but I promised my mother I would bring her down. |
Date: Tue 09/24/13 1:55PM From: BASSO Email: ENYVIKING@AOL.COM Message: what's going on no news frome any e.n.y.friends.DONT LET THIS SITE GO DOWN. BASSO L.P.T. |
Date: Sat 09/21/13 8:46AM From: Joni Baird Email: Message: What a wonderful and important site! My husband, Bill Baird was born in East New York and lived at 94 Williams Avenue. He went on to be the holder of 3 U.S. Supreme Court victories including Baird v. Eisenstadt which legalized birth control for every American in this nation. Part of the reason he fought so hard to do so was due to his poverty as a child and his 12-year old sister Louise dying due to poor medical care. Great people came out of Brooklyn! Thank you for helping to preserve that history. |
Date: Thu 09/12/13 11:01AM From: Joey Ortiz Email: Message: P.S. 171 Cla** of 1976, Great year, great students, miss them all , Look me up all of you...Living in Florida.... |
Date: Sat 09/7/13 10:25PM From: Judy Friscio Berman Email: Message: I was born and lived at 103 Shepherd Ave tll I was 13. Then moved across the street to 108 until I was 21. I went to PS 108 till the 4th grade then went to St Rita in the 5th grade to the 8th grade. I graduated from St Rita in 1967. I went to Maxwell VHS and graduated in 1971. I loved growing up in Brooklyn. I have the best memories. I hope I could find some of my friends that I grew up with! Thank you for starting this great project! |
Date: Fri 08/30/13 10:47PM From: Rick Email: Message: Thanks for relaying that Sal, it sure is a small world. In fact I shipped a book to Oregon today. Imagine running into someone from ENY out there! |
Date: Thu 08/29/13 3:49PM From: Sal Franzese Email: Message: Rick, In a complete random occurrence, I met Brian Merlis last Wednesday night. He and his friend joined a table at which I was seated with some company. This is the Reader’s Digest treatment of what ensued but it was the total six-degree bit; first name intros were made all around…pockets of conversations started…I overheard the term “photo archivist”…two and two clicked in my mind…I asked if his last name was Merlis and VIOLA! Of course, talk quickly turned to your book collaborations and this site. My point in posting is that he had some very flattering and complimentary things to say about you, your intellect, your work on the books and of course this site. I thought you and this forum ought to know. |