Date: Sun 06/17/07 2:41PM From: Dominick Zollo Email: Message: Nice job on the site. I was Born in brooklyn we lived at 131 Warwick st. from 1962-1978 I went to ST. Michael's, hope some of my old friends see this. I spent many of days playing handball in HP, does anyone remember Nick the Ice-cream man. boy was those the days. stick ball, punch ball, and what was the name of that game in the street with the bottle caps It slips my ageing mind. I have some pictures I need to dig up for you. in front of our house was a tree that had chains that were grown into the tree thay were used for the trash can covers I have two older sisters Ginny and Nancy. and a brother Tommy. Ginny sent me this link. well I hope every one is doing fine and life has been good to you all as it has been for me God Bless Dominick Zollo |
Date: Sun 06/17/07 2:05PM From: Paula Smith Email: MYSTIKL44@YAHOO.COM Message: hi phil: is that your new email address? we don't have a specific place yet but will let everyone know when we do along with monies to be collected....i'll be in touch |
Date: Sat 06/16/07 11:50PM From: Phil Santella Email: Message: This message is for Paula Smith: Great to hear N.Y. is the place for reunion. Do you have a place yet as to wear it will be held in N.Y ? |
Date: Sat 06/16/07 11:38PM From: Dan Prine Email: Message: What a great site.... I wish I could head over the The Fulton Lounge for a few cold ones.... |
Date: Sat 06/16/07 1:56PM From: Paula Smith Email: MYSTIKL44@YAHOO.COM Message: DANNY FERRARO AND GERALDINE: let me know if you received the reunion survey and if you will both be attending, it will be held in new york....would love for you to join us.... |
Date: Fri 06/15/07 5:53PM From: Eloise Wendell Surette Email: Message: Hi Roe, Yes I do remember you. You lived over the Sheadal/Pittman family and next to the Ann, Joe Luceria and their daughter Anna Do You Remember the Smiths and Buddy LLoyd in 19 Hill Werer the Benleins, Cronins Damone's and the Klotz Family. Surely you remember Malcolm. Do you remember my family? my mom was Helen Dad Larry, brothers Ken & Larry and me. Hope to hear from you . Take care , Eloise |
Date: Fri 06/15/07 4:48PM From: Al Gavin Email: Message: I attended FK Lane 1972-1976. Regarding the photo of the "security" staff, some of those guys were worse than the kids. They could never catch us climbing the fence up Dexter Ct. into the cemetery to freedom in Forest Park with those platform shoes they wore back then however. |
Date: Fri 06/15/07 4:24PM From: Joanne Kirk Email: Message: This is for Josaffina Crescenti: Is your son Peter Crescenti the same Peter who wrote the "Honeymooner's Book" and was part of "RALPH"? |
Date: Fri 06/15/07 7:58AM From: Larry Wendell Jr Email: Message: To RoseMarie Manelli, I've just called my sister Eloise, to get on her to post what she remembers, as I was was a wee tot in 1951(3 yrs old), but she is the memory bank for the family. Wow, this is the first major hit! Have a good day, Larry |
Date: Fri 06/15/07 5:05AM From: JOSAFFINA (PAPIRO) CRESCENTI Email: Message: Lived at 220 New Jersey Ave-between Liberty and Glenmore. We were 9 children (The PAPIRO kids) and attended PS 173, on Pennsylvania Ave until it was converted to William J Maxwell HS. My two children (PETER & MARIE CRESCENTI) attended St Rita`s when we lived at 203 Atkins Ave, across from PS 64 for 13 yrs. Hope to find someone from the past. |