Date: Thu 05/31/07 9:44PM From: Joe Visconti Email: Message: I lived in East New York from birth in 1951 till 1967. I lived on Cleveland and Dumont in a 4 story apartment building. My grandmother owned a candy store/ luncheonette on the cornor of Elton and Dumont and my father owned a small grocery store on Clevevland and Dumont.His name was Gerry and my mothers's name was Kate. My grandmother's name was Eva. |
Date: Wed 05/30/07 1:47PM From: Anthony Ritsua Email: Message: Hi Lisa Smith, It's nice to see a current ENY resident on the website! |
Date: Tue 05/29/07 8:33AM From: Rick Gomes Email: Message: Ben Hutto- I dropped you a note directly but you never responded. We're always interested in old photos as well as your recollections. By all means send it over. |
Date: Mon 05/28/07 3:12PM From: phyllisisola Email: Message: to: louie bonavita still trying to find out the name of your group, you sang at one of the st. michael's h.s. dances. one of the other guys' name was ralphie feliciano, and he lived in my neighborhood in our lady of loretto parish. take care. |
Date: Mon 05/28/07 3:11PM From: Ben Email: Message: Early in the 1930's we lived on Arlington Ave & Warwick St. Across Arlington Ave lived an old lady; Ms. Rapelyea SP? My Mom took a picture of Ms Rapelje & me. The picture is around the house someplace. Is it of any interest? |
Date: Sun 05/27/07 10:28PM From: Larry Wendell Jr Email: Message: Happy Memorial Day Everyone! Please keep in mind and say a prayer for all those who met the challenge and gave us Our Freedom's. And Pray for Our Troops in their time of struggle in the present War. God Bless America, and God Bless all of us East New York kids!(Forever) |
Date: Sat 05/26/07 6:12PM From: Lisa Smith Email: Message: Hey webmaster!! i am ECSTATIC to visit your page i live on chestnut and liberty and those photos were absolutely BREATHTAKING i had to take modern day photos of those streets for my own eny project im doing for school...i lived in eny for over 10 years and i know every block you have pictured in your fabulous website. i was recently reading this quote in a book about brooklyn that talked about the gentrification, "there arent any more rosebushes in East New York anymore" it prompted me to find more about my neighborhoods history so thanks for the insight keep up the good work and ill keep representing East New York to the fullest...the best place in Brooklyn!!! |
Date: Fri 05/25/07 10:22PM From: Mike Suchocki Email: Message: To all my ENY.friends,I graduated St.Malachy's in 54 lived on NJ. Ave.between Atlantic & Fulton St. from 1939 to 1962.We have had several reunions and one major one in 04. We are still looking for,Johnny Henner -Marion & Barbara Keenan -Vivian & Jean Krugger -Lenny Spina -and anyone that hung out in Martins ice cream parlor on Atlantic Ave, in the 50's.If anyone can help in locating some of these people,please e-mail me. Rick, thanks for this great site.ENY.Forever! |
Date: Fri 05/25/07 6:31PM From: Young Dudes Email: Message: {all the young dudes} hanging around sals store. great times.... |
Date: Tue 05/22/07 5:39PM From: August Torres Email: Message: Lived on Chauncey St.Home of the great Jackie Gleason 1957-1959, attended JHS73. Then FK Lane 1959-1962. Moved to ENY (Berriman corner of New Lots Ave)1964-1972. Nothing like the good old days in Brooklyn. Does anyone out there remember the Romano twins in Franklin K. Lane. They were very popular back then. Everybody wanted to hang around with them. Like they said in east n.y there is no place like home!!!!! Regards to all my fellow East newyorkers |