Date: Tue 05/15/07 4:58PM From: Larry Wendell Jr Email: Message: Any chance the two Gallagher's Joe & Vincent, are they related to any Gallaghers that live in the "Hell's Kitchen" area of Manhatten? |
Date: Sun 05/13/07 12:01PM From: Jim DeSapio Email: JDS3377@AOL.COM Message: Judy, I knew (actually Hung Out)with a Joe Gallagher and Vinnie Gallagher, Brothers, who lived on Linwood Street and Fulton. any chance you are part of the family ? Jim |
Date: Fri 05/11/07 10:42PM From: Phil Santella Email: Message: Yo ! Jimmy Its Dukie from Cleveland St. How the heck are you. Its only been what,50yrs.since we have seen each other. Ive just been in touch with a friend of your sister Jackie. Her name is Elsie. She just today gave me Jackie,s Address and phone # Will be calling her soon. How is Ruthie and Al? Now that i have your e-mail name will get back to you tomorrow. Will send you my at home e-mail name. Wow small world. Great site isnt it. Check out some of my photo,s You will remember some of the Neighborhood ones. Cleveland St. Warwick St. Richmond St. Liberty Playground etc. Ciao for now Jim. Philly (dukie) |
Date: Fri 05/11/07 7:46PM From: Jim DeSapio Email: Message: Great Site, I cannot stop looking thru all of the memories..I lived next door to Moe's Tavern with my Mothe and two sisters (Ruth & Jackie) for the first 20 years of my life. Philly (Dukie) Santella and Grandpa lived next door to us (Nancy, Ernie, big Philly all of them) I went to P.S 108 P.S 171 and graduated E.N.Y. Voc. in 1958. Lots and lots of memories for me. I will send in photos. Thanks again..Jim DeSapio |
Date: Wed 05/9/07 2:32PM From: Anthony Ritsua Email: Message: Thanks Lenore! I guessed that was Trudy in the 7th grade picture because there is a strong resemblance with her youngest daughter, Katrina, in that picture. Nancy, are you in the 1st grade picture? |
Date: Mon 05/7/07 3:45PM From: Ben Email: Message: My Gosh Am I the only one still living from the 30s? I can relate a lot of stuff from then. The last time I visited the neighborhood people were paranoid worrying about being robbed & assaulted.Hope its better now? God bless St Peters Church,PS 65 & the YMCA.I learned how to live at those places. I live thousands of miles away now.Plus I learned another language in the old neighborhood Arlington ave, Chestnut St,Logan St & Highland PL |
Date: Sun 05/6/07 3:33PM From: Peter Stango Email: Message: I love this site and would love to hear from anyone who remembers me |
Date: Sun 05/6/07 2:57PM From: Nancy m. Email: Message: Anthony, I'm to your aunt Trudy's right (head chopped off) Nancy |
Date: Sat 05/5/07 7:50PM From: Lenore Catapano Email: Message: Hi again Anthony, Just checked and yes your Aunt Trudy is in both pictures. In the 7th gr. pic, she is in the third row 3rd seat, you can see her clearly. Grade 1 she is in the 2nd row, 2nd seat. |
Date: Sat 05/5/07 7:36PM From: Lenore Catapano Email: Message: Hi Anthony, Yes, I'm pretty sure she was in both of them. We also just found some pictures from when she was up here visiting us. My sister has them now. Glad you liked the pictures! |