Date: Sat 05/5/07 3:31PM From: Anthony Ritsua Email: Message: Hey Lenore, Great pictures you sent in. Is my Aunt Trudy in either of the St. Rita's class pictures you sent in of your sister Fran's class? |
Date: Sat 05/5/07 12:03PM From: Michael Biscuiti Email: Message: Thanks, Lenore - I found the pictures. You should have known better than to get that close to Charlie. I think I recognize your front stoop, btw. |
Date: Sat 05/5/07 6:54AM From: nancy m. Email: Message: Definately remember the toy factory fire. Watched it burn from my block..Lived on Linwood between liberty and atlantic. Across from Liberty park. |
Date: Sat 05/5/07 1:47AM From: Jeanette Email: Message: What a great site. Thank you for finding a place to recall great memories for those who lived in ENY. My family moved to 430 Essex St in 1968. I remember Kay's Store in the corner of Essex and Pitkin Ave, I remember the Kinema theatre, and Moe's burger joint near Pitkin and Berriman Ave. where most of us would stop for 2 of Moe's burger's at 2 for a quarter for lunch from Berriman JHS 64, which by the way I never knew was a public school until now. Thank you for the photos of the Arlington Library, and all the great sections of this site. I haven't passed by Arlington in ages, so thought it might be gone. |
Date: Fri 05/4/07 3:13PM From: Andrew Santorielli "JR" Email: Message: Do you have information of PS 158? I believe it was on Ashford Street, between Pitken and Belmont, could be wrong about Belmont. I was born in my home at 351 Elton Street, between Pitken and Glenmore. Will search for old photo to submit. |
Date: Fri 05/4/07 3:07PM From: Andrew Santoriello "Jr." Email: Message: Great site, would like more on PS 64, 108, Miller Theater, Liberty Park. |
Date: Fri 05/4/07 3:03PM From: Andrew Santoriello "Jr." Email: Message: Great site, would like more on PS 64, 108, Miller Theater, Liberty Park. |
Date: Fri 05/4/07 3:03PM From: Therese Panariello Email: Message: Frank Clemente?? are you the son of Pat or Joe Clemente?? |
Date: Fri 05/4/07 2:45PM From: Andrew Santoriello "Jr." Email: Message: Great site, would like more on PS 64, 108, Miller Theater, Liberty Park. |
Date: Fri 05/4/07 2:16PM From: frank clemente Email: Message: the two mystery houses (pine/essex) were one and the same, and split into two, or so the story goes. nice site. anyone remember the toy factory fire on atlantic ave. (between shepherd and essex)? |