Date: Fri 04/27/07 2:06PM From: Therese Email: Message: Hey Peter, dont know if u would remember me, but Annamaria was in my class, and I just got an email through classmates from Joanne this morning,,, tell her to email me on my email address. DO you remember walking home from school with your sister and me ? |
Date: Fri 04/27/07 11:50AM From: Peter Downey Email: Message: Hi everyone, I went to St. Rita's and graduated in 1974. It was a great experience and this website brought back a lot a great memories. I am now living down the Jersey shore and loving it. |
Date: Fri 04/27/07 11:50AM From: Peter Downey Email: Message: Hi everyone, I went to St. Rita's and graduated in 1974. It was a great experience and this website brought back a lot a great memories. I am now living down the Jersey shore and loving it. |
Date: Thu 04/26/07 8:02PM From: Phil Santella Email: Message: Hi! Candida, In your message,to Nancy, Michael, and Lenore, You spoke of your Aunt Rose Ammirati. Wonder if she is the same Rose Marie Ammirati who graduated from St.Rita,s in 1949. If so , We were in the same class. Check out zone 6 St.Rita,s There is a photo of our class. Look for 1948 " Honor Thrift Class " Rose is standing in back row. If that is her, Wish her well and say hello from me. |
Date: Thu 04/26/07 12:22PM From: Candida Email: Message: Nancy, Michael and Lenore, it was great to hear back from you. I'll bring you all up to date. Michael, my brother Frank was the one who told me about the website. He is dissapointed that he doesn't know too many people, but will look forward to getting together with you. On a personal note, I had a serious crush on your brother Alex when I was growing up! I am about five years younger than him. Good memories. Leonore, I remember hanging out with Fran and Trudy. We had such fun. The last time I saw them was when I was living in Ozone Park and my daughter was just a couple of months old. Trudy lived four blocks away from me and she came over with Fran and Trudy's children. I think the relative part was a connection with my Aunt Rose Ammirati and your Mom or Dad. Can't quite remember it. But I do remember Confirmation Day and Fran and I could not look at one another without laughing because my Aunt was my Sponsor. The nuns knew there was some connection and we were forewarned. Please send my best to Fran. Nancy, the last time I saw you was at the St. Rita's reunion a couple of years ago. I was with Barbara Tammero (my daughter's Godmother), Lorraine Divone, Barbara Licari, Licari Twins, Joey Alongi, Terry & Joey Massa. That was a great night. What have you been up to. Where are you living now. I have been living in WEst Hempstead for 19 years with my husband of 35 years, Sal. We have one child, Nicole who is 28 and just got married in September. I am still working for Ferrara Bros. in College Point, Queens. Funny, on my first day at work who is sitting in the lobby when I walked in was Ronnie Basso, who is now retired, and still comes in to say hello to everyone. It seems whenever we end up we know someone from the old neighborhood. Keep in touch everyone. I see Barbara Tammero and Lorraine Divone alot and they are in touch with Terri Massa. It would be great everyone together. Until next time |
Date: Thu 04/26/07 10:51AM From: Lenore Catapano Email: Message: Candida...My sister Fran remembers you! She said we are related somehow, but I don't know about that. She remembers being at your house and hanging out with you when you were younger. With Trudy also. If we are related do you know how? Which side of the family? |
Date: Thu 04/26/07 8:21AM From: Michael Biscuiti Email: Message: Candida - I don't remember you, but it looks like your brother Frank and I might try to get together for lunch or something in June. I've also been in touch with Tony Smith and his sister Paula ... among others. What a great nostalgia trip this site is. |
Date: Tue 04/24/07 7:47AM From: nancy m. Email: Message: Hi Candida..I remember you too!! whats doing these days? where do you live now...Best regards, nancy M. |
Date: Sun 04/22/07 7:10PM From: Candida (Candy) Tuttolomondo (Mignone) Email: Message: What a trip down memory lane. Reading through the guestbook there are many names that I remember - Trudy, Gerard, Catapano's, DeGeneros', Nancy, Giamundo's. I lived on Liberty Avenue between Montauk and Milford and had an older brother Frank. He was a good friend of Alex Biscuiti's. I graduated St. Rita's in 1963 and Maxwell in 1967. This is a great piece of memorbilia. Kudos for putting this together and bringing us all down memory lane. It was a great place growing up. |
Date: Sun 04/22/07 11:32AM From: Anthony Ritsua Email: Message: Lenore & Nancy, Gerard and Trudy's youngest is in his early twenties and the oldest is in her early thirties. One daughter is divorced and Gerard has one grandson who is 8. They're all doing well. They all live on Long Island and are a close family. |