Date: Sat 04/14/07 3:47PM From: Michael Biscuiti Email: Message: Hi Lenore, If you were my first kiss, I sure hope it was elementary school - LOL. I worked at Harry's for two years - until he had a heart attack and needed your cousin (Joey?) to work there full-time. Your uncle was a great guy and always treated me and my family well. |
Date: Sat 04/14/07 3:30PM From: Lenore Catapano Email: Message: Hi Michael, I remember you! That was back in elementary school wasn't it?? I don't remember you working for my Uncle though. How long did you work for him?? |
Date: Sat 04/14/07 3:25PM From: Lenore Catapano Email: Message: Anthony Ritusa Hey Anthony! Thank you for telling Lenore I asked for her. Hope I hear from her soon. |
Date: Sat 04/14/07 12:26PM From: Anthony Ritsua Email: Message: does anyone remember what year Barney's Candy Store on Atlantic Avenue closed? |
Date: Sat 04/14/07 11:25AM From: Michael Biscuiti Email: Message: Hi Nancy - If it's the same Carol Alaimo, look at the 1956 class picture that Pat clued me into; she's right up front in the 2nd row. I don't recall your cousin Bobby Guerriero, but that doesn't mean he wasn't in my class :-) |
Date: Sat 04/14/07 11:01AM From: Michael Biscuiti Email: Message: Pat - you've got some memory. I know your name, but don't remember if you stayed in my class for the duration. I seem to recall Sister Carmina - who we had in Kindergarten - taking over in 3rd grade also. I looked over your index. Although I don't recall any more names yet, I corrected some spelling errors and will e-mail that to you so you can correct it if you want to. |
Date: Sat 04/14/07 10:34AM From: nancy m. Email: Message: To Anthony R... Thanks for giving regards to Gerard and glad you told Joanne so that she can have her sister Carol get on and maybe e mail me. To Michael B...Carol Alaimo was my good friend and you may have been in the same class as my cousin Bobby Guerriero?? |
Date: Fri 04/13/07 10:32PM From: Pat Annunziata Email: Message: Hi Micheal Biscuti. I was in your class in St Rita's 1956 third grade class with Mrs Rabin. Look at class photos under "Home" scroll down. That's you next to Micheal Applewhite! Welcome! |
Date: Fri 04/13/07 9:47PM From: Michael Biscuiti Email: Message: And yet another name from the past: Lenore Catapano (from I believe Essex St). Her uncle Harry was my boss when I worked at his grocery store on Essex & Pitkin. OK, Lenore - although you were a year ahead of me in school, you were one of my first "girlfriends", and I do believe my first kiss. (aw shucks) ;-) |
Date: Fri 04/13/07 9:43PM From: Michael Biscuiti Email: Message: Anthony - don't remember Gerard Rizzuto, but that could be due to long-lost brain cells; after all, we're not getting any younger. However - Carol Alaimo was in my class, and was one of my early crushes (along with probably every other guy in the class) :-) |