Date: Fri 04/13/07 9:26PM From: Anthony Ritsua Email: Message: To: Phyllis Isola My parents and I were happy to hear that your Uncle Otto and cousin Anthony are doing ok. Please give them our regards when you speak to them. My Mom and Aunt Marie were asking about your Aunt Millie, Uncle Ralphie and another aunt that they couldn't remember her name. Take care. |
Date: Fri 04/13/07 9:21PM From: Anthony Ritsua Email: Message: To: Lenore Catapano I gave your message to your cousin Lenore along with your email address. She was happy to hear it and had the same sentiments about you. She said she's going to contact you. Take Care. |
Date: Fri 04/13/07 9:18PM From: Anthony Ritsua Email: Message: To: Michael Biscuiti My Uncle Gerard Rizzuto graduated from St. Rita's around the time you did. He lived on Montauk & Pitkin. To: Nancy M. I saw my Uncle Gerard on Easter & told him you said hello. He said to say hello & he's going to check out the site. I also saw Joanne (Alaimo) Klebonas and she said her sister Carol was a friend of yours and is giving her the info on this site. I responded to your message post but never heard back from you. Take Care. |
Date: Fri 04/13/07 9:15PM From: Michael Biscuiti Email: Message: Hi Tony. I already heard from Paula, and I will be sending you an e-mail very soon. Just to throw more names out there - looking through the directory, I see a couple of guys that I think were yours and Alex's age: Louis (Bobo) Capersino from Essex St, and his cousin(?) Butchie Marinello. |
Date: Fri 04/13/07 8:37PM From: Tony smith Email: Message: Hi Michael Biscuiti, Glad you found this site.I wondered what happened to you and your family. I'm living in Oregon now,retired from the phone co.I see Neil is on this site also. I shore miss the old days . Alex and I use to play with your new toys at Christmas. Miss that guy a lot. Hope you are doing well. Bye for now. Tony Linwood st @ crystal st.. |
Date: Fri 04/13/07 3:53PM From: Neil Biscuiti Email: Message: Calling Anthony Scrimenti....I was a year behind you at St. Rita but 3 or 4 doors down towards Pitkin at 396 Shepherd. What a trip browsing this site! Thanks to my bro for cluing me in. |
Date: Fri 04/13/07 3:46PM From: Michael Biscuiti Email: Message: Other names memories that are coming to mind ... Friends from Shepherd Ave ... Claire & Lucille Volpe, who lived next door ... Boris Dirnbach, whose parent's owned the candy store on Pitkin & Shepherd ... Ally, Theresa & Fran Sterlacci ... Stuey (can't recall last name). What was the name of the other luncheonette on Liberty & Berriman? I remember their juke box - when it was a nickel a song ... buying a slice of watermelon or a "Chinese Apple" from the fruit & vegetable store on Pitkin & Berriman ... Emilio - who had the pizzeria on Pitkin & Berriman, and also drove the ice cream truck in the summers (my first creditor) ... playing at the water works ... learning to drive all the way down Fountain Ave. Of course, St. Michael's dances every Friday night, where we saw Johnny Mathis, Vito & The Salutations, Brian Hyland, Leslie Gore, etc. More to come ... |
Date: Fri 04/13/07 3:39PM From: Michael Biscuiti Email: Message: Nancy - I was just about to thank you here for telling me about this site. I've spent most of the afternoon browsing, and jotting down names. BTW, don't know if a question I saw ever got asnwered, but Timothy Napier lived a few doors away from me - so, yes, he was on Shepherd between Pitkin & Glenmore. I'm related to the Calandrino's, who also lived on Linwood across from Liberty Park, before they moved to Warwick St. Joey Calandrino is my age and we graduated from St. Rita's together two years before you did. |
Date: Fri 04/13/07 2:32PM From: nancy M. Email: Message: Michael, Glad you found the site ok. I am sure you will love it and find many lost friends. have fun...Nancy (check out the st. Rita site for pictures). |
Date: Fri 04/13/07 12:26PM From: Michael Biscuiti Email: Message: Hi all. Just discovered this treasure, and intend to stay awhile. I lived on Shepherd Ave between Glenmore & Pitken, and graduated St. Rita's in 1961. My older brother Alex (deceased) graduated in 1958, and kid brother Neil in 1967. I have a younger sister too (Connie), but she ended up at St. Thomas after we moved in 1965. I worked for awhile at Harry's grocery store on Essex & Pitken (among other stores), and hung out at Ernie's candy store on Shepherd & Pitken. I see some familiar names in the directory (Tony & Paula Smith, Richie Basmagy, Lenore Catapano, and others) and would love to find more. I'll be spreading the word about this site to others. Still friends with Patsy Masino from Shepherd Ave also. If anyone wants to write - be my guest. Mike |