Date: Mon 04/2/07 8:02PM From: Joey DiPrima Email: Message: Paula, the park that bordered No.Conduit and Atlantic and right next to ENY Vocational HS was and is still called City Line Park.I don't recall a Dell St. There was a High St. I lived nearby on Belmont between Crystal and Chestnut and very often played basketball in that park. Did you ever go to Levy's Pharmacy on Pitkin and Chestnut?? I used to work there after school. |
Date: Mon 04/2/07 10:52AM From: Paula Smith Email: MYSTIKL44@YAHOO.COM Message: Burning Question that's been bugging me for a while: does anyone know the name of the park located next to East New York Voc. High School on Dell St.? I believe it also bordered Atlantic Ave...used to play handball there... |
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