Date: Thu 03/22/07 6:45PM From: Anthony Ritsua Email: Message: To: Danny Ferrara Hi Danny, When I showed my father the message you sent, he started laughing when he read the part about you and my uncle snooky stealing his car. that jogged his memory. he said that was one of the times that uncle snooky took his car. he thinks the time you're talking about was when he had a '51 mercury and it was parked at a luncheonette on fountain and liberty. he said to say hello. |
Date: Thu 03/22/07 6:44PM From: Anthony Ritsua Email: Message: To: Danny Ferrara Hi Danny, When I showed my father the message you sent, he started laughing when he read the part about you and my uncle snooky stealing his car. that jogged his memory. he said that was one of the times that uncle snooky took his car. he thinks the time you're talking about was when he had a '51 mercury and it was parked at a luncheonette on fountain and liberty. he said to say hello. |
Date: Thu 03/22/07 6:44PM From: Anthony Ritsua Email: Message: To: Danny Ferrara Hi Danny, When I showed my father the message you sent, he started laughing when he read the part about you and my uncle snooky stealing his car. that jogged his memory. he said that was one of the times that uncle snooky took his car. he thinks the time you're talking about was when he had a '51 mercury and it was parked at a luncheonette on fountain and liberty. he said to say hello. |
Date: Thu 03/22/07 5:31PM From: Anthony Ritsua Email: Message: To: Danny Ferrara Hi Danny, When I showed my father the message you sent, he started laughing when he read the part about you and my uncle snooky stealing his car. that jogged his memory. he said that was one of the times that uncle snooky took his car. he thinks the time you're talking about was when he had a '51 mercury and it was parked at a luncheonette on fountain and liberty. he said to say hello. |
Date: Thu 03/22/07 5:24PM From: Anthony Ritsua Email: Message: To: Nancy Mangiaracina hi nancy, i was glad to see all the responses since I posted my message. next time I see my uncle gerard, I'll tell him you said hello. apparently our families go way back. in addition to what you pointed out, my mom remembers my grandmother, nettie, saying that she and your mom used to walk their babies (my aunt marie and your sister anita) in their carriages together. my aunt marie was friends with anita when they were younger. my mom and dad have seen ginger and anita throughout the years at various get togethers and reunions. she last saw ginger at the saint rita's reunion at russo's on the bay. my great aunt anna (mannelli) romano was good friends with your aunt anna for many years. my mom and aunt marie send their regards. |
Date: Thu 03/22/07 10:34AM From: Tommy Email: Message: Blessed Sacrament Memories: How many of you remember the playground next to the church had the Top Ride. It was made of wood and had metal handrails,Ancient and alot of fun. I also remember the bowling alley. I remember we had a Halloween party down there. How about Detention, Kneeling backwards on those hard chairs. The candy store at the corner. I remember he sold girlie magazines and the church was furious. To keep us from going there, suddenly the school sold their own candy in the class room. Worse part was going to church before classes. I don't go to church any more I went enough to last a lifetime. Best part was at Christmas time in the Auditorium, Candy stacked high and a statue. |
Date: Wed 03/21/07 9:13PM From: Geraldine Email: Message: Eddie I wonder just how many wanted to use Father Kreig head as a bowling ball ( joking ) Do you remember the classrooms downstairs the ones near the boiler room? That room was so scary. I hated when we had to walk through there. |
Date: Wed 03/21/07 11:00AM From: Eddie O'Toole Email: edward.o\' Message: Alice Poulson, You are correct Alice. I graduated BSS in 1960. There were about 4 to 6 lanes in the basement. Some of the alter and choir boys would work the lanes for extra cash for the Holy Name and Rosarian Societies as pin boys. No automatic pin setting in those days. Great school though with the exception of Fr. Kreig. Eddie |
Date: Tue 03/20/07 11:18PM From: Frank Ragucci Email: Message: HOLY COW! What a great web site. They say you can never go home again, but the terrific pictures bring back a ton of fantastic memories. I grew up there in the 50's and 60's, but it's been so long since I've been back there I'd forgotten what some of the old neighborhood looked like. We lived on Richmond street between the Embassy theater and the "water works." There are many nights when I will dream about the old house, playing Kings against the Embassy wall, stickball in the street and hanging out on the stoop when the weather got hot. Saturday afternoon matinees at the Embassy meant two movies, five color cartoons (sometimes 25)and air conditioning all for 26 cents. The El made a heck of a racket when the train passed, but you got so used to it you didn't even notice. Guess as you get older, you want to go back to the easy, simple, carefree days when you were a kid and there was no better place in the world to grow up than East New York. I'm still in awe of the site and scanning through the old photos, so I won't take up any more of your web space, but I know I have a bunch of old pictures to submit. I'll e-mail them to you as soon as I dig them out. Thank you so much for the site and thanks to your contributers for their reminiscences and photos. |
Date: Tue 03/20/07 6:29PM From: Alice Poulsen Email: Message: I think I can explain the photo on the Blessed Sacrament site of the nuns who are holding trophies. As I recall, there used to be a bowling alley in the basement of the school building, before they converted it to classrooms and a lunchroom. If you look at the nuns' feet, they appear to be wearing bowling shoes, which offers further evidence that they may have been enjoying a special bowling event in the school basement. The alleged bowling alley was before my time (class of '69); do any other alumni remember this? |