Date: Sat 03/17/07 10:07AM From: Lenore Catapano Email: Message: Hi Nancy, I will tell Fran about the pictures. She has 2 sons and 4 grandchildren. We all live in Massachusetts, if you'd like her # and address let me know. |
Date: Fri 03/16/07 6:53AM From: richie banks Email: Message: the manager of the kinema i remenber, was a guy called moe.ronnie basso would pay the dollar fifty to get in, then he would open the side door for the rest of us. moe was ok with it, it used to give us frebies, just so no fighta would break out. richie |
Date: Thu 03/15/07 6:41PM From: philsantella Email: Message: Hey Jim, His name was Ray. We knew him as Gay Ray. Yes he did drive a pink lincoln convertable. He was the Mgr. of the Embassy Theatre, may have also mged,Kinema. Also drove around with his show dogs that sat in thwe rear seats. Philly |
Date: Wed 03/14/07 7:16PM From: JIM MINER Email: JLMNER96@AOL.COM Message: Hi Pat, I sure do remember the Chinese rest.And the Kinema was a movie I'll never forget. Do you remember the manager of the Kinema ? As I recall he drove a big PINK Lincoln convertible. I'm almost positive that he was gay , looking back to that time frame. Back then we as kids didn't even know what that meant. Now a days everything is out there and no one knows or cares one way or the other. Talk with you again, JIM |
Date: Wed 03/14/07 5:13PM From: Carol Mogelnicki/Mingrone/Brimlow Email: Message: Grew up in ENY 462 Bradford St, went to St. John Cantius on Blake Ave from 1955-1964. Went to St Michaels from 64 to 68 and moved to Cypress Hills and lived on Autumn Ave across from George, Henry and Larry Clarius and from Maria DeMeo. The Harvey's lived under us. Maria was in my wedding party and I was in hers. When we wanted to go out, Maria would ask my dad to borrow his car "Marty, can we use your car tonite" he always said yes to her but always said no to me. One night we piled the car up and went to Baldwin dancing and on the way home got a flat. The guys took my dads fishing poles out and were fishing on Sunrise Hway. OY!!! I am already in touch with the Clarius boys but if anyone knows where Maria is, please let me know. I now live in Port St Lucie Florida. What a great website, and you know it's gonna get bigger. Carol |
Date: Wed 03/14/07 4:26PM From: Jeannie Email: Message: St John Cantius-I went there from 57'- 65'?. Jeannie, Valerie, Christine or anyone from this time. Where are you? Visited recently, school is so small I couldn't believe what I was looking at. Lived on Bradford St across from the park. Amelia, Philip our downstairs friends. How are you? The house is still there,not bad. Lots of fun and memories. Finally a site to contact old friends. |
Date: Wed 03/14/07 12:16PM From: nancy m. Email: Message: HI lenore,,I was always in trouble!!! Where does Fran live? I live on the island and have 1 daughter and 2 granchildren..I had been in touch with trudy up until about 2 years before she died. I am still in touch with Fran (de Cresendo, Connie (her sister) and Doris...Connie's father was Biscotti. I have not seen or been in touch (other than St.Rita reunion a couple of years ago at Russo's on the bay) with any classmates....I do remember Marie Iovino. Please see if your sister has any pictures to send in ..(noone from our class has sent any in)...good talking to you..Nancy |
Date: Wed 03/14/07 9:17AM From: Lenore Catapano Email: Message: Hi Nancy, My sister Fran says hello. She remembers you always being in trouble. She wants to know if you remember the Glee Club with Sister Andrina? Do you remember Maria Iovine? She lived on Glenmore Ave. Well she was always friends with Maria and has been in touch always. My sisters oldest son Michael married Maria's daughter Andrea and now Fran and Maria are related by marriage! Have you kept in touch with anyone? Trudy used to come up here, it was sad about her. |
Date: Wed 03/14/07 9:17AM From: Lenore Catapano Email: Message: Hi Nancy, My sister Fran says hello. She remembers you always being in trouble. She wants to know if you remember the Glee Club with Sister Andrina? Do you remember Maria Iovine? She lived on Glenmore Ave. Well she was always friends with Maria and has been in touch always. My sisters oldest son Michael married Maria's daughter Andrea and now Fran and Maria are related by marriage! Have you kept in touch with anyone? Trudy used to come up here, it was sad about her. |