Date: Wed 03/14/07 8:42AM From: Lenore Catapano Email: Message: Hi Pat, Sent you Peters number, he would love to hear from you! |
Date: Wed 03/14/07 7:01AM From: Pat Annunziata Email: Message: Lenore, say "hi" to Peter for me. Give me his e-mail address or some way that I can get in touch with him. thank, Pat |
Date: Wed 03/14/07 6:57AM From: Pat Annunziata Email: Message: Hey Jim, I remember the Pitkin Men's shop. You have to remember Wing Ching chinese restaurant across from the Kinema and Moe's hot dogs! Wow, that was so long ago I believe in reincarnation! |
Date: Wed 03/14/07 5:04AM From: philsantella Email: Message: Hey Pat A. Yes i do remember a Dr.Vitale. Dont remember his first name . Our family Dr. was Sileo up on Arlington and Linwood i believe. Hey did you live at 242 Elton St. We were at 242 Cleveland St. You were across the St. from Liberty park. Did you know the Minelli,family. Ther was also a family 2 brothers and sister further down toward Liberty , one brother became a priest. Sisters name was Theresa. Did you know them. Ciao for now Phil |
Date: Mon 03/12/07 5:26PM From: Pat Annunziata Email: Message: Hi Phil, was one of the Vitales a Doctor? |
Date: Mon 03/12/07 7:40AM From: JIM MINER Email: JLMINER96@AOL.COM Message: Hey Mike (RED)BIVONA, I just rememberedcthe name of the bar where you lived on Pitkin Ave. It was callled MICKEY'S . The one on the corner of Van Sicklen was Al & Harry's. JIM |
Date: Sun 03/11/07 6:41PM From: philsantella Email: Message: Hey Jim, sure do remember those shoe shine days. I had the corner of Fulton and Cleveland Sts. right under the ell stairs. Sometimes you had to fight to get the corner. Heard mention of Catapano,s I remember a (blackie )Catapano from the Liberty park area. ring a bell,with anyone. talk again Phil |
Date: Sun 03/11/07 6:32PM From: philsantella Email: Message: HI Connie ,Thanks for setting my memory straight. Yes across the St from you was a pastry shop. And Sal Abracimento,s was on Liberty Ave. I lived on the other corner from you,Elton and Glenmore.Ist floor above Pecora,s Grocery store. Remember the St Rita,s feast of St Cosmo and Damiano. Passed right outside our Apt.buildings. Can still smell the Sausage and peppers,Hot zeppoles.Great times ,great memories. Ciao for now. Phil |
Date: Sun 03/11/07 8:22AM From: JIM MINER Email: JLMINER96@AOL.COM Message: Hey Joe, You just rang my bell !!Her name was Angela and some of us called her Cookie. I rememberer I stopped at there apartment on Diamond St. in Greenpoint a few times after they moved and then I lost touch with all of them. Do you ever hear from them or know where they are now ? Robbie and Eddie are my brothers and Nancy is my sister. Nancy was married to Big Red but he died a few years back and she now lives in Middle Village. Robbie is out in Phoenix, AZ and Eddie died in 1973.We were 5 boys and 4 girls now we have two of the boys gone Eddie and the oldest Vinny (KICKIE ). Great to hear from you and hope to talk to you again about the good ole days , JIM |
Date: Sat 03/10/07 7:02PM From: joe Email: Message: jim. name is pat or angela |