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Date: Sat 03/10/07 11:52AM
From: joe

Message: jim miner. jimmy callahans sister is angela and lived on pitkin ave. did you no robert and eddie miner have a sister nancy.i think she married big red. i lived on jerome st 315 my cuz is vinny cecere. i love e.n.y

Date: Sat 03/10/07 9:40AM

Message: Hey Joe,
Reading your post I recognized the name Benny Catapano, Fat Albie and Jimmy Callahan. I hung around with Bennys brother Tommy. And didn't Jimmy Callahan have a sister ? Maybe her name was Cookie. They moved from ENY to greenpoint if I'm thinking of the same people
Let me know if you remember. Thanks , JIM

Date: Sat 03/10/07 9:27AM

Message: Hi Phil, I was born in 1943. I lived over the Glenmore Hall bar in 1953 (636 Glenmore) and then we moved to 676 Glenmore Ave corner of Ashford St.until 1960. We always lived in the NEIGHBORHHOD but moved a lot as the family kept growing and we were always in need of a bigger apartment. Mom, Dad ,5 brothers and 4 sisters. We had our own baseball team going !!I can't place the bar on Elton and Glenmore but I remember one on Elton and Pitkin. Do you remember PITKINS MEN SHOP on Pitkin ?? Does anyone remember the Brower Family from Essex and Pitkin. The girls were Patty, Susan, Linda, Amy and the boys were Tommy, Michael, Kevin and John ????
They lived in the apartment house on the corner. How about the Dolce family, Nick & Millie who had 2 kids -Dolores and Nick (LITTLE RED )They lived on Linwood St between Glenmore and Pitkin ?? I'm sure Little Red was one of the Liberty Park Tots.You know phil that the shoe shine guy on Glenmore gave me the idea to buy a shoe box and go into my own business. I would wait outside the Shepard Ave and Pitkin Ave train stop and shine shoes for 10 cents. EVERYONE back then wore shined shoes and white starched shirts ( fresh from the CHINKS laundry ) when they went to work in the CITY. More great memories !!!!! Talk again soon, JIM

Date: Sat 03/10/07 1:38AM
From: connie palmieri

Message: To Phil, yes there was a fish store right next door it was called Stuckeys, I can still remember the smell on summer nights when we had the windows open, accross the street was a pastry shop. Sal's was on Liberty & Berriman. Take care, Connie

Date: Fri 03/9/07 10:26PM
From: philsantella

Message: Hi Connie, me again. Ithink i remember your cousins The Vitales. The apt lived in on Glenmore , was there a italian fish store below you. My friend Vinnie,s parents owned it. And across the street was a Italian restuarant Sal,s i think,or was he on Liberty Ave. Getting hard to remember places. Oh well comes with age. :) Phil

Date: Fri 03/9/07 10:21PM
From: philsantella

Message: Hey Jim. What yrs were you living on Glenmore Ave. I was born on Glenmore in 1935
and it is confusing trying to remember places exactly. I do remember the shoe shine guy. My Godparents owned the Bar and grill on corner of Glenmore and Elton Sts. Their names were Lena Polisi. ring a bell? Phil

Date: Fri 03/9/07 2:14PM
From: Nancy M.

Message: To Lenore...I went to school with your sister Fran..I stood with her and came to your house plenty of times. How is Fran and when you talk to her please see if she can send in out class picture, i lost mine and have been trying to find someone that has our graduating one or any grade. thanks alot. Nancy (mangiaracina) Linwood St.

Date: Fri 03/9/07 9:26AM
From: Lenore Catapano

Message: Forgot to mention my sister married Peter Colletta who lived on Glenmore Ave. His father owned a bar on Atlantic Ave years ago. His sister Fran went to FKLane.

Date: Fri 03/9/07 9:20AM
From: Lenore Catapano

Message: What a great many memories.
Zips candy store, the Kinema, my uncle had a grocery store on Pitkin Avenue, Harrys.
I have so many happy memories of those days.
I lived at 325 Essex St. My sister is Francine and brother Danny (deceased). Lived next door to the Esposito's...We had a reunion of the neighborhood in 1999 and it was so much fun! Got to see so many old friends...Thanks for the memories!

Date: Fri 03/9/07 8:48AM
From: Maria Lena DeGennaro

Message: During the "great blackout" of the 1960's, I remember eating liver by candle light with my family. At the time, it seemed to be an "okay" thing to do under the circumstances. But now... since I am a vegetarian, all I can think about it is "Yuck!!! Oh, well.. at least the good memory of being with my family is what really matters.

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