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Date: Sun 05/26/13 5:46PM


Date: Sat 05/25/13 2:38PM
From: Roberta Beary

Message: Sending along some pix and certificates from my parents' youth in East New York. My mom Marie Beary then Maria (Marie) Guttilla, my dad, Patrick J. Beary, then also known as Joseph Beary as his dad's name was also Patrick Beary!

Date: Fri 05/24/13 5:29PM
From: Donald Vasile

Message: OK! this is my third attempt at posting this message. I keep getting "verify code wrong". Anyway, I want to thank Rick and all the other wonderful contributors for this site. However, there IS an East New York south of Pitkin Avenue. I liven on Belmont Ave. between Cleveland and Ashford and then on Cleveland between Belmont and Pitkin. I also hung out on Linwood near Saint Gabriel's. Does anyone have any old pics of stories from any of those areas? Both places I lived are gone now and would love to see some photos.
Please help me I'm homesick.

Donald Vasile

Date: Fri 05/24/13 3:09PM
From: BHernard
Email: acquafredda@gmail.c

Message: IF I get this wright it will be a mirical.
The compoter is not a friend to me.So I willTry.I am looking to connect with some old friends.Old enemies are even welcome.

Bernard acquafredda

Date: Wed 05/22/13 3:36PM
From: Donald Vasile

Message: Lived in ENY from about 1952 to about 1960. Some of my favorite places were Paladino's on Pitkin Avenue; Ann's candy store on Belmont across from PS 158; the Kenema on Pitkin; Liberty park; Highland park; playing skelly, stoop ball, Chinese hand ball. Lived in an apartment house on Cleveland Street just off Belmont. Does anyone remember those places? Also lived on Georgia Avenue across from Fortunoffs, at 13 I worked at Chris's Pizza store. ENY was the best place in the world to grow up in. Love this site. Thanks to all for the pics and stories.
Donald Vasile

Date: Sun 05/19/13 4:47PM
From: lydia hinton

Message: I love the images of The Highland Park section of Brooklyn. I am absorbed in the past of Brooklyn's Brewery industry and the stylish clothing and cars from an era past. Thanks So Very Much

Date: Mon 04/29/13 10:12AM

Message: I noticed some previous entries regarding various "gangs" located in my neighborhood of EAST NEW YORK such as THE LIBERTY PARK TOTS and the HIGHLAND PARK MIDGETS which were closer to home , we lived on HIGHLAND BLVD. accross from the park.
A little background both my father and my uncle (his brother) grew up in EAST NEW YORK during the 1920s and 1930s on DUMONT AVE.(OR ST.?)if i remember correctly.
All their friends were the future members of MURDER INCORPERATED made up of tough JEWISH kids from the neighborhood.
My father and uncle choose different directions in life but remained in contact and were well respected by their boyhood friends.
My father a combat veteran of WW2 fought all over Europe for 4 years.
My uncle SID a MARINE fought 3 years all over the South Pacific in all major battles.
Every Sunday morning my father and uncle would take my brother and i to the park.
we would play punchball and they would sit and talk.
Howie a leader of the HPM (circa 1960) took the ball from my older brother (11) and interupted the game with all our friends.
My brother asked for the ball and was punched in the face by HOWIE while at least 6 HPM members looked on and laughed.
My father and uncle got up slowly walked accross the court.
My father demanded the ball, HOWIE laughed and cursed.
My father threw him against the chain link fence and began slapping him without letting up until he was bloodied and CRYING!!
My uncle stood guard and said in a low soft voice to the rest of the gang members
if any of you approach i will kill you one by one.
Needless to mention after seeing their "fearless" leader bloody and crying they stayed away.
I am 61 and never will forget this Sunday morning.
We returned to the park every SUNDAY morning and the HPM gave RESPECT not only to my father and uncle but to my older brother.
HOWIE even participated in the games.
I feel we have glorified these gangs more than they deserve.
Howie was an o.k. person with us after that incident.
This is a true story from my neighborhood and my childhood.
May my father and my uncle R.I.P.

Date: Sun 04/28/13 12:35PM
From: Ken Schroeder

Message: Hi all! Fun web site. Very nostalgic. Want to add a name to 1968 cla** 8L. Richard Tuthill 3rd row, far right. He was the best wiffle ball player in the school :) Hope all is well. Special shout out to Francis Lubrano, Caroline Vecchione. Hope all are doing well!

Date: Sun 04/28/13 10:10AM
From: Gerry Carter

Message: Ed I knew them both. Went to school with Jeff and Gail hung out with us sometimes. She lived on Sheppard Ave. Coming to town for a wedding on Long Island. Tim's been asking about you. Why don't we meet and have a drink at the valley stream bar?

Date: Sat 04/20/13 9:34PM
From: ed correll

Message: tonite i'm sitting in a bar in valley stream. a young couple next to me strikes up a conversation with me. it turns out that the guy is the son of jeff bronckhurst who lived on richmond st. and his mom is the sister of gail inch from shepherd ave. small world! anyway,i gave him this sites address, and told hm to pa** it on.

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