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Date: Tue 02/27/07 2:03PM
From: nancy

Message: Know that cab place very well. knew all the brothers .....

Date: Tue 02/27/07 8:21AM

Message: Hi Eddie, Just read your posting and had to ask if you remember the CHRYSTAL PALACE on Crescent the corner of Fulton ?? The on Fulton off Crescent on the North side was Hamburg Car Service. I worked there on weekends for extra money driving my own car as it was a private cab service. The owners name was Sal and I grew up with his brother Joey. They lived on Liberty Ave between Berriman and Atkins on the North side where those Garden Apt. style houses were. Any memorories of these things ????

Date: Mon 02/26/07 4:22PM
From: Eddie O'Toole
Email: edward.o\'

Message: Barbara/ Geraldine, Graduated Blessed Sacrament in 1960. My sister Joann in 1963 and my brother Mike in '68/'69 I believe. He was in school around the time Tony Iadanza (Danza)was at BSS. Joann and I had some of the same nuns and lay teachers you have mentioned. In 1A I also had Joe Torre's (NY Yankees) kid sister, a very pretty lay teacher, as my instructor, she wasn't at the school very long. Joe's older sister is a nun, St. Maugarite, I believe that is/was the prinipal at Nativity.

Everyone is spot on about the BSS Fr. Krieg and I did hear that the St. Mike's Fr. Krieg was the complete opposite before he was murdered in the church by thieves who stole chalises and other expensive church and religious articles. 2 detectives worked on their own time and eventually cuaght the guys who murdered him.

We lived on Autumn between Atlantic and Fulton and during my years at St. John's Prep worked for Mike Long in his Ice Cream Parlor near Crescent and Fulton. It was a great neighborhood.

Date: Sun 02/25/07 1:32PM
From: Connie Ferraro

Message: I graduated Blessed Sacrament in 1962.I remember the first day in kindergarten I cried because I wanted Cathy Woessner for a partner and Richarda Gowacki took her away from me. I wore one of those big hoop dresses and my mother fixed my hair in banana curls. I think I got yelled at for kissing a boy in the coat room in first grade. I had great memories of Blessed Sacrament. I had a crush on Father Flanagan (he was so cute) and I remember visiting the convent with Sister Martinella. That's when I wanted to be a nun. They took us to Brentwood, L.I. to the St. Joseph order and how they lived. Well I'm not a nun now especially after leaving St. Michael's Commercial in 10th grade and going to East Islip H.S. after moving to L.I. Keep those memories coming!

Date: Sat 02/24/07 3:37PM
From: Dale Faught

Message: Miss the old neighborhood!!!!!!!!

Date: Fri 02/23/07 8:54AM
From: kevin gillen 353 jamacia ave

Message: Are there any St. Michael's students that graduated in 1975 out there?

It would be nice to hear from you.

Kevin Gillen

Date: Thu 02/22/07 7:32AM
From: Geraldine

Message: Danny, the mimiograph machine in the principal's office that you remember so well was transfered to the teachers room that was along side the what use to be the pricipal's office. The principal moved down to the nurses office after they got rid of her, which was on the other end of the hall. Im sure the pricipal was happy because that room had its private bathroom .It wasn't until I think 1993 or 4 that they updated and got rid of that michine. It is now in the Hall of fame. Keep your stories cpoming I love them ..... so funny

Date: Wed 02/21/07 10:20PM
From: Danny

Message: i can see the big brown metal double doors at each end of the hallways at blessed sacrament. i can smell the ink smell of the mimiograph machine in the principal's office. i can see the expression on sr. florence's face when she was so disatisfied with my hadwriting that she called my mother for a meeting on wednesday afeternoon (after the religious instructions for the 171 kids were finished). my mother beat me for that. i can feel the sweat pouring down my face after the half hour of playing basketball during lunch, in the lot of the church, where we all lined up before we had to enter the building across the street. we had to play punchball when we were in the earlier grades, in the yard on the pine street side of the school. Miss Broderick still enters my consciousness most days of my life. i recently showed my kids the rock from the parthenon that she gave me after i announced that i wanted to be an archeaologist. (insurance, i guess that's close.) Fiddler on the Roof - had to be 1972 - what a great time - mrs. ross, miss broderick and the young good looking teacher who played the piano. Sr. Maureen had a particular habit (not gown) that we all made fun of that i will not mention now. more to come later.

Date: Wed 02/21/07 8:04PM
From: Barbara

Message: Geraldine,It was 5ht & 6th grade when most of us left Blessed Sacrament.Guess our parents had a hard time keeping us in the school.

Date: Wed 02/21/07 6:31PM
From: Geraldine

Message: Barbara I don't remember that Nun at all. You graduated High school the year I graduated ST Rita's. I left Blessed Sacrament in 5th grade, then returned in 84 when my daughter began going there.

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