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Date: Wed 02/21/07 2:55PM
From: Barbara

Message: Geraldine,I left Blessed Sacrament after 6th grade and went to 171 for 7th & 8th grade.Graduated St Michael's in 1968.Oh yes I remember the plays.I was just looking at some of the pictures my mom had of me & my sister. Do you or your sister remember Sister DiChantel(not sure of the spelling)I know my sister had her

Date: Wed 02/21/07 12:45PM
From: Joseph Saverino

Message: I was going thru your website again during some downtime at work.
I checked out the IS 171 page and son of a gun there's my class picture of 8E in 1973. We had some really cute girls in that class.
I wonder where they all are?
This is really the coolest website in the world!

Date: Wed 02/21/07 11:31AM
From: Carolyn Nachman

Message: I grew up in woodhaven in the 60's and 70's. I too went to Cypress Pool. I went to St. Sylvester's and PS 64. My entire family there as well, too many cousins to mention, but we lived off Atlantic and 75th all the way up to Fulton and Autumn Avenue. Great memories. Looking at the current pictures almost nothing looks the same. I used to think Liberty Avenue (city line) was the Beverly Hills of shopping. Hoping to find old friends.

Date: Wed 02/21/07 7:43AM
From: Geraldine

Message: Barbara, what year did you graduate from Blessed Sacrament. My sister had sister Lizarre and I remember pictures of her when she was in a school play as a dutch girl singing " Have you seen my new shoes they are made out of wood, such a nice pair of shoes, don't you think they look good". Damn I still hear her singing it lol. Yes I do remember the praticing of the hymns. What about the sing along the day of Christmas break when Father Kreig would come in to give out the small box of candy and a religous Statue. I still have some of those Statues in my daughters room. You just couldn't wait for the candy and gift. As for the 9 o'clock mass I was always in trouble for not going and would not lie when he came in each Monday to ask who went. If i had lied it would have been another sin. Funny how today things are so different. When I was working there I was so sick of those uniform pleats that I had the uniformed changed ( way to many) And those hats ?? goneeeeeee lol

Date: Tue 02/20/07 9:39PM
From: Barbara

Message: Geraldine,I remember there was a secetary but I really do not remember her.One of the Sisters I forget to mention was Sister Lizarre,she was the kindergarden teacher(when they had a kindergarden)I think everyone had a battle with father Krieg either our parents when we were in school or us as adults.Do you remember going to the auditorium on wednesdays for choir practice with Mr Daily so we would kow the hymns on sunday for the 9am mass,God forbid you were not there on line to go into the church with your class.There were times we went to the 10am mass(special masses) for my grandmother and see our class leaving and my mother and aunt still had to send a note saying why we did not attend the mass at 9am.Do you remember that art teacher that came in once a week

Date: Tue 02/20/07 8:27PM
From: Geraldine

Message: Yes Barbara you are right Sister Thomas Agnes was the principal, how can I forget .She was the one that felt bad each time she had to tell me I had to go home because my parents would not pay Father Kreig what he wanted. Boy that was some battle between my mom and him. She told him that he would never Be like Jesus because Jesus loved children. Funny thing is each day I walked inot that school it still had the same smell as when I was small and maybe even the same desk too lol. Do you remember Mrs Martim the school Secretary?

Date: Tue 02/20/07 6:51PM
From: Barbara

Message: Geraldine,Fr Flanigan was handsome,It's funny I can still see him in the schoolyard next to the church playing ball with us.He did leave Blessed Sacrament to become a chaplin.I had Mrs Cusins in 2nd grade.She left that year in the middle of the year.That was the year they split the classes.If you were born before Dec you went to 3rd grade the rest of the classs stayed in 2nd grade.3rd grade was Mrs Mullins(how could I forget those flower dresses)I do not remember Sr Paul Maria& I think Sr Thomas Agness was the principal when I was there.Tony Danza(not his name at B.S.S.
had to be in school with me or my cousins.I know he lived around etna street/chestnut st area

Date: Tue 02/20/07 6:24PM
From: Geraldine

Message: Barbara what you have been saying brings back so many memories of when I was in Second grade. Father Flannigan was so handsome I always thought that he and Sister Paul Maria would make a very good looking couple lol. I did hear that when he left Blessed Sacrament he went into the army as the chaplin . Father Murphy I believe passed away before I went there. Mrs Cusins lived across the street from me and my sister was best friends with her daughter,Terri. I remember Miss Mullin and those beautiful flowered dresses she use to wear. She was a very caring teacher. Wasn't Sister Thomas Agnes the 8th grade teacher? As for Tony Donza , he did come back to the school in 1992 to film for a show. My daughter was in 8th grade then and she also was in the filming him along with 9 of her other class mates. He was asked to leave Blessed Sacrament when he was a kid because he throw spit balls on the ceiling in the boys Bathroom . I think they are still there today lolol Thanks again for bring back so many memories.

Date: Tue 02/20/07 6:02PM
From: Geraldine

Message: Al, I thought what you said was very funny and Im sorry if you thought I took you the wrong way. I guess on here things can be taken differently. I think the crocodiles with the moat would have added the finishing touch to a great story story lolol.

Date: Tue 02/20/07 3:05PM
From: Barbara

Message: Geraldine,guess we all have our memories of Blessed Sacrament.When I started school Fr Smith was still pastor.Some of the other priest were Fr St Jonh,Fr Murphy,Fr Flanigan.When Fr Flannigan left the new priest was Fr Joe,again anothe young priest who was friendly to the kids.Fr Krieg didn't like that.Fr Joe started the 10 o'clock folk mass in the hall on Pine Street for us on.I remember when Fr Krieg came to Blessed Sacrament that was the year he made us start wearing uniforms,those uniform hats were horrible.He did make it hard for our parents to keep us in that school.Even years later when you wanted to get married in the church the first thing he would do is look up to see how much you put in your envelopes.His brothe was a priest at St Michael's on Jerome St.He was nothing like him,everyone loved him.Some of the Sisters & teachers I remember are Sister Kathleen,Sister Pacificia(the one Tony Danza made reference to on his show)Sister Thomas Agness,Miss Schade,Mrs Cusins,Miss Mullins have to check with the rest of the family and see if they remember any more.Glad to hear still open since most of the other schools have closed.Hail to the blue & gold

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