Date: Tue 02/13/07 1:53PM From: Ralph DeLaRosa Email: Message: How many people remember shopping at Junkie Joe's on Fulton St? I think everyone's Mom had something on Layaway there. And we used to rank someone out by saying "You're Mother goes out with Junkie Joe!!!" |
Date: Tue 02/13/07 12:32PM From: Michael Park Email: Message: i used to live on Essex Street and enjoyed every minute of it. i went to St. Rita's with my 4 sisters. i had alot of good times in the neighborhood. whether it was hanging out at the Y.M.C.A. or playing baseball in Highland Park. the neighborhood was filled of good people, who actually cared about you. some good moments were going to Braney's candy store after school for an egg cream and some penny candies. i would not trade my childhood for anything, those were the days. feel free to email me at and we can get back in touch. this is a great site, keep it up. Michael Park |
Date: Tue 02/13/07 12:28PM From: JOE SAVERINO Email: Message: Very nice site. It sure takes me back. I attended PS 76 on Wyona Street from 1966-1970. In 1970, a fire engulfed the top floor of the school and the students actually did most of the cleaning up of soot. Literally, a bucket brigade of students. About ten years later the school was closed after a new school was built on Fulton & Schenck. PS 76 became a like crack house and eventually was demolished for the park. I lived on New Jersey Ave for a few years after 1966 and then moved around the corner on Atlantic Ave, one house in from New Jersey Ave. We used to play on the loading dock of the Post Office ENY Station 11207 and Samson always chased us out. Samson was the huge guy that used to roll out all the bins of garbage mail and also loaded all the trucks. I actually lived at 135 NJ Ave, 117 NJ Ave, 115 NJ Ave and 2673 Atlantic Ave. If you're looking for more info, I would be happy to help if I can jar my memory that far back. This sure has been a stroll down memory lane. Thanks I'm going to go thru this web site with a fine tooth comb. |
Date: Tue 02/13/07 5:17AM From: Cathy Email: Message: Hey Billy, there are a few of us from St Malachy's who check out this site. There is also a site for St Malachy's it is check it out it is pretty good and it to has a message board and class lists. good luck finding old friends!! |
Date: Mon 02/12/07 8:00PM From: Billy Freeman Email: Message: Anyone from Blessed Sacrament or St. Malachy? |
Date: Mon 02/12/07 5:13PM From: Connie Ferraro Email: Message: Thanks for the info,Geraldine. What year did you graduate? I remember Sister Collotta saying to the boys, "I'll box your ears" and "you're as fresh as paint". I remember it like it was yesterday. |
Date: Mon 02/12/07 6:43AM From: Romeu Hilgenstieler Email: Message: Wow! How nice is this. I have wonderful memories of my time at PS 108K. I even remember the custom metal doorknobs. I wonder where my friends are today. Jarrod Wright, Barry, Max Stith from 363 Barby (not sure of spelling)Street, Glenn. Teachers: Carol Haber, Leonard Gries, Mrs Herman and Avella. Good times. I even saw a picture with Tulay, who would come over my house and eat jelly sandwiches. Thanks for the trip. |
Date: Sun 02/11/07 7:13PM From: Geraldine Email: Message: HI Connie I don't remember any of the girls you mentioned but I do remember Sister Colotta and Miss Shade. Sister Colotta passed away when I was in 5th grade, some say it was her class that killed her cause they were so bad . As for Miss Shade she retired I would say in 83 . She was there a very long time. She passed away not long after that. |
Date: Sun 02/11/07 1:15PM From: Connie Ferraro Email: Message: Please let me know if anyone knows the St. Michael's girls who I'm looking for. Cathy Paciello, Gloria Losordo, Cathy Breglia, Marie Marinello.I was in 9th grade in 1962. |
Date: Fri 02/9/07 6:35PM From: connie ferraro Email: Message: Hi, it's me again. I'm looking for Catherine Gallagher, Dolores Overzat, Cathy Paciello,Cathy Woessner. The girls from Blessed Sacrament who used to eat ice cream cake for lunch at the ice cream parlor. I graduated in 1962. Do you remember Sister Owen, Sister Colotta, Miss Shade, Sister Martinella? |