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Date: Sat 01/27/07 5:47PM
From: rose lombardo guerin

Message: lots of landmark stores and owners
my parents had a spotswear factory(sweetshop) at 2940 fulton next door to the beauty palor, across from pelligrinos fish store and diagnal to al's grocery, so many place we shopped at and WALKED
i remember alot of you or your family names,events it was really THE neighbor hood i have photoes to send for the st. rita's class of 1962 and cleveland street
like i said in another e-mail my husband jim delivered al's groceries


Date: Sat 01/27/07 12:10PM
From: phyllis isola

Message: Francine,

I remember you, you were very good friends with my counsin Carol Isola. Your father was called "Biscotto" because of the grocery store. My uncle was Sal Isola. How's Connie and where does she live now?

Date: Sat 01/27/07 7:43AM
From: Frank Delape

Message: Vinny
I remember hanging out on shepherd ave. and your MOPAR the Magician. those were fun times.
everyone is remembering Barney's how about zips on Liberty ave. I remember the vanilla slushes at lunch break during the St. Rita days. Glad to hear your well say hey to your brother Frank for me

Date: Fri 01/26/07 7:20AM
From: Gary Cereola

Message: I lived at 219 Arlington Ave, between Ashford and Clevland streets, from the time I was born (1950) until my parents moved in 1964 to Long Island. I attended St. Michael's School and graduated 8th grade in 1964. My grandparents owned Nappo's Bakery on Liberty Ave, as pictured here in Zone 6

Date: Thu 01/25/07 10:05PM
From: vinny capasso

Message: Annette
you may not remember me. friend of your brothers sal & joe. was just telling my mom about this site and the pictures of the neighborhood. conversation got around to your dads store. she asked if they were still alive(moms 90) they used to live near her in valley stream. she recalls visiting your mom when she was in hosp. my dad was in at same time.(many yrs ago) glad to hear mom & dad sre well. I miss them & the store.
please say hi to them for me and my mom(marion).

Date: Thu 01/25/07 11:12AM
From: nancy

Message: Hi Annette...Think i went to school with your brother Sal...I graduted in 63. I knew there were more brothers and i now remember Tony..Wasn't his wife's name Gracie? I even think he was godfather or bestman to one of my sisters..(anita or Ginger)..i must ask them..How are your brothers doing?

Date: Thu 01/25/07 10:25AM
From: Geraldine

Message: Annette, so sorry to read that your Uncle Angelo passed away yet happy to hear that your dad Barney is doing well. As a child I loved going into their candy store and would wait each day until my dad finished worked which was located across the street from their store,so he would take me in there to see what new toy he had for my dad to buy me. I think I had every new spin top and yoyo that they would sell. Please tell him that Tommy Liguori's daughter said hello

Date: Thu 01/25/07 8:42AM
From: Annettte

Message: Nancy:
Thank you for your kind words about my family and our candy store. My father is Barney. Uncle Angelo passed away, but Uncle Carlo and Uncle Tony are well and living in Long Island. Dad and Mom are now living in Staten Island closer to me. My Grandmother did help out in the store,especially in the mornings and on Sunday's. You may remember my brothers Sal and Joe. We all helped out in the store at one time or another.

Date: Wed 01/24/07 6:43PM
From: Therese

Message: Nancy, sorry but I am not familar with those stores. I lived on the other side of Atlantic. However I did hear of Jimmy the butcher, but I thought he was on Fulton Street. As far as Barney having another brother, I will be asking his daugther, I talk to her often.

Date: Wed 01/24/07 3:02PM
From: nancy

Message: Hi to Connie..Sorry i messed up with the locations on jimmy the butcher and Biscotti's grocery store. I do remember Steve the druggest as well....Also do you remember the other nice brother of angelo and barney? think his name was Carlo?? What nice men they were and what great memories of that candy store and their "fraps" I also remember their mother who helped them out.

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