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Date: Wed 01/24/07 1:46PM
From: connie palmieri

Message: To Nan, Biscott was Vinny (my father) he was on Shepherd and Liberty. Jimmy the butcher was on essex. Do you remember Steve the Drug store.

Date: Wed 01/24/07 12:42PM
From: nancy

Message: To Therese...Seems there are a few things you forgot to mention....Remember the grocery store on liberty avenue and essex called "biscotti"? everyone went there for their coldcuts!!! he was the best in the neighborhood and across from him was "jimmy the butcher" (all meats were bought there too.) one other thing, does anyone recall out there that "barney and Angelo" had one more brother named "carlo" i am pretty sure he was the only one that didn't work in the candy store....oh and sorry but one more,, Ditta's hardware store on linwood and liberty.....hope someone can get back to me on this....

Date: Mon 01/22/07 9:17AM
From: Ellen Flannery

Message: I graduated Blessed Sacrament in 57-- ( my piture is actually on your website )went to St. Michael's H.S. and transferred to Saint Nicholas H.S. from which I graduated.
My best friend was Ellen Burke. I lived at 30-82 Fulton Street--the corner of Higland Place. I remember Lorenzo's restaurant--Wolfie's Barber Shop, Cordes Ice Cream Parlor, Hale Bowling Alley, Blessed Sacrament, Saint Rita's, The Friday night dances at Saint Michaels, The Chinese Restasurant down by Blessed Sacrament, where we would have lunch for 25cents!! I met my husband at Cordes Ice Cream Parlor--Peter Romano--we are since divorced--but have 3 amazing children and we both have gone on to have good lives and are still friends. My first boyfriend was Harold Grogan--he lived on Logan Street--for years I have alwyas wanted to know how his life turned out--he was a wonderful kid with a hard life--actually was shot in a supposed robbery at an empty car parts lot--always said he was innocent!! My brothers were Harold (Skip ) Michael, Patrick and sister Elizabeth ( Betty Ann ). I look back on those days and can not really believe the innocence of the whole thing! We grew up in a strict Irish Catholic Home --does anyone remeber Sister Jarloth the 8th grade nun who was an aboslute "demon"--the first nun my mother ever sided with me against!! I could go on and on--would love to hear from anyone who knew me.

Date: Sun 01/21/07 5:04PM
From: Therese

Message: Pat, this is funny when I mentioned your last name he said yes JOHN. MY maiden last name is PANARIELLO. He said he remembers your uncle also. He said he was the president of the team!and lived in HOward beach??
I sometimes dont know if my father remembers well, because he has Parkinsons. How old are you? what year did you graduate. I remember some sons bowling with their father. So that means you might be a few years older than I am.
Wasnt that great times? My father has gotten so many trophies that we were going to build another room for them!! WHAT about the dinner dances..I remember that was the only time my parents got to go out without the children.

Date: Sun 01/21/07 4:39PM
From: Pat Annunziata

Message: Terese, you're dad was right. It was the Americana. Lucky Strike was on Atlantic Avenue in Ozone Park. We did bowl at the Americana. I think it was on Rockaway Blvd. What is your dads last name? My dad was John Annunziata and my uncle was Joe Annechino.

Date: Sun 01/21/07 3:15PM
From: Therese

Message: He worked at Martino Dress Shop..

Geraldine, email so we can chat also, I dont want to bore others with our conv.

Date: Sun 01/21/07 3:07PM
From: Geraldine

Message: Therese what was the name of the place your dad worked at I know there was Barney's then came willie's the sal the tire shop. My dad was across the street where the sanitation was. He had Liguori Paper Mills

Date: Sun 01/21/07 2:08PM
From: Therese

Message: Pat, my father said he dont remember Lucky Strikes, but he does remember your last name? I do also..

He used to bowl at the Americana on Tuesday nights.
if you want you can email me, so we can talk more about this..

Date: Sun 01/21/07 1:43PM
From: Pat Annunziata

Message: Terese, I remember bowling with the Holy Name Society. I bowled with my father and my uncle. I think we bowled at Lucky Strike on Atlantic Avenue.

Date: Sun 01/21/07 9:52AM
From: Therese

Message: Geraldine, I spoke with Willie daughter earlier. She confirmed that her brother did open up another Willies. The new business was opened up while Willie was living and continued after his passing .Willies Ice was doing very well. The only reason it was terminated was because of the area change in.

also, you said your fathers shop? My father used to work across from Willie and Barney, but on the same side, next to the toy factory that burnt down!

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