Date: Fri 01/12/07 10:52PM From: Geraldine Email: Message: Sids was on Fulton Street between Hale and Norwood. He sold everything. He then moved to Floral Park and from what I hear has one store left in Garden city . He moved on up . |
Date: Fri 01/12/07 10:48PM From: Geraldine Email: Message: I remember the hole in the wall fruit store and the little italian man that owned it with a mustache. I think Junkie Joe's other name was Cheap Charlie's. There were two brothers owned it. |
Date: Fri 01/12/07 10:11PM From: Rick Email: Message: Now now Therese, I even have an ad for Charlie Wilder's on the Cleveland St. page!! Now on the subject of "Junky Joe's", can anyone confirm the street and if it that was the official name?? I only remember it as Junky Joe's but I thought that was a nickname. |
Date: Fri 01/12/07 10:04PM From: Therese Email: Message: I thought Charlie Wilders was a jewerly store? Does anyone remember the little fruit store on Fulton not sure near what street. But it looked like a little hole in the wall.. |
Date: Fri 01/12/07 6:57PM From: Philly Santella Email: Message: Hi Carrie, ayaour kidding "just like today" LOL Youre right about Charlie Wilders, His store was on Fulton St. Between Cleveland and Elton Sts. And he did have everything but the kitchen sink. But he may have had that also. Our family lived on cleveland st. 2 doors from Moe,s Tavern. Many a beer was tossed down there. Are you related to the Blanda,s that had the funeral home? and was it on Liberty ave?. i Remember A Nicky Blanda |
Date: Fri 01/12/07 5:43PM From: Cathy Email: Message: I remember Junky Joe's.We also got out jeans there. |
Date: Fri 01/12/07 3:37PM From: Therese Email: Message: Hi Carrie,,how are you doing,?, never got your new email address.. are you talking about Sids, that sold everything.I remember buying my Beatles or Money wallets there, and my 45's.. My uncle had the pizzeria next door to Sids. |
Date: Fri 01/12/07 3:24PM From: carrie blanda Email: Message: i remember going thru those "junky joe" piles for wrangler jeans - $5 a pair and all different colors. charlie wilder on fulton (i think around cleveland, my brother will have to let us know) was another one of those stores where you could buy anything from a coffee pot to venetian blinds to an ashtray. we still have those coffee pots! it was nice that everything you needed was in a radius of only a few blocks. (just like today.....) |
Date: Fri 01/12/07 2:04PM From: eddie gudebski Email: Message: do i remember junky joe's,my mother bought my entire easter outfit for $5.00 i think it was 1965. i also got my transformer for my trains there. wasn't the bakery next dood where you could get a slice of pizza for a nickel. great memories.... |
Date: Fri 01/12/07 1:43PM From: Geraldine Email: Message: OK, as long as we are playing trivia as to remembering does anyone here remember Junky Joe's on Fulton St. I think it was on the cornor on Essex St. That store had everything ,if you can find it in the piles of clothes laying around. Often wonder if when they cleared it out, if they ever found any bodies in those piles lol. |