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Date: Thu 01/11/07 7:01PM
From: kevin gillen

Message: any of the old gang from essex street out there? remember hanging out by the garages and hp and dont forget herb lane. any jakes out there? JAKE!

Date: Thu 01/11/07 4:42PM
From: Helen Paris

Message: Hi, I loved this site but would like to make just one correction. The 20th picture down on Georgia Ave. is of my sister-in-law Honey (as you mention), but also includes my deceased husband Charlie Paris (in the middle front) and his sister Marie on the left. The other kids are the Hennigans kids - I'm assuming. Just wanted everyone to know the adorable boy in the middle front is Charlie, in case anyone knew him.

Thanks so much,

Helen Paris (Gudebski - St. Michael's class of 57 - 8th grade)
Tamarac, Fl

Date: Thu 01/11/07 1:58PM
From: nancy


Date: Wed 01/10/07 12:45AM
From: AL Pugliese

Message: My family (Pugliese) owned 237 Warwick from 1929 to 1978. Stories of this neighborhood very much overlap with many already written. My father was the neighborhood house painter. 237 Warwick is between Atlantic and Fulton. I read on the net that the square block bordered by Atlantic, Fulton, Warwick, and Ashford was a pond known as "Sullivan's Pond" when the land was still farm. Interestingly, our "Alleyway" going to the backyard had a steep slope towards the yard, as did many houses on this square block. This plus the fact that the Fulton St. end loved to flood seems to support this recording of a pond here. Also, I remember when I was a small boy in the 60's that my unlce told me of a pond that used to be here in the backyards of these houses - how he knew is beyond me!
My grandmother always boasted of how she would take my father and his sister (Around 1931) to Rockaway on the LIRR from the elevated Warwick St station for 20 cents round trip!
Yes it was really nice back then, but hey - it's nice now too! I am now on Staten Island with my wife Susan and two daughters, Josephine Marie age 6 and Michelle rose age 5. We live in a lovely area with great people - its like a modern, "country" version of old ENY!

Date: Tue 01/9/07 6:33PM
From: Paula Smith

Message: hi kevin: refresh my memory as to how we know each other please :)

Date: Tue 01/9/07 2:24PM
From: kevin gillen

Message: Does anyone remember sally's sweet shop on fulton betweet jerome and warwick. We used to go in there everyday on our way home from st. michael's .....if you had a dime you could walk out with a bag of candy. WOW that was a lifetime ago.

Hi paula...would be nice to hear from you after all these years....

Hi patti.........say hi to silvio for me

anyone remember herb lane. Patti I know you do.

Date: Mon 01/8/07 6:51PM

Message: I'm looking to get a reunion together for St.Rita's class of 1969. Any one interested or know of anyone who is please E-MAIL me at BIGGMIKE18@HOTMAIL.COM . I alredy have several people that are interested. Looking to have it sometime around the end of the summer.

Date: Sun 01/7/07 11:15AM
From: Stewart Meyer

Message: I was born at Beth El Hospital on Linden Blvd in 1947 and grew up on Dumont Ave @ Miller Ave. I am a novelist and now working on a story that is set in E.N.Y. in the late 40s through 50s. I'm interested in the demographics on Highland Blvd during these years. Walking up that steep was like venturing into another world, but I know very little about who lived up there in those years. You rarely saw anyone on the streets. Just big mansions set on that grand rise. So who lived up there? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Date: Sat 01/6/07 8:08PM
From: Madaline Scarfo (nee SanFilippo)

Message: Oh My God! My uncle just emailed me this website and I am back in the '60's! Graduated from FK Lane in 1969 and saw Kenny Simmons' name in the guestbook and had to write in. Maybe some of you guys remember my husband Steve from St Michael's. Yeh, he was a troublemaker then and happy to say he has grown up pretty nicely. I used to hang out on Fulton and Jerome by Bohak's supermarket. And went to St. Michael's dances on Friday nights too. Also went to PS 171 and graduated in 1965. Remember Miss Malatestanik and her MG? Everyone keep in touch with their stories.

Date: Wed 01/3/07 8:13PM
From: Geraldine

Message: Hi Frank . Happy to hear that you are doing well also. I remember my dad allowing everyone to practice with their band in the basement. He loved that basement it was like a mini club lololol. He was a great dad always allowing us to have all the parties we wanted.

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