Date: Sat 12/16/06 4:25PM From: Mary DeStio (Simeti) Email: Message: To Lenny Calderone. Hi, I do not remember you yourself, but I was a good friend to a Fran Pedalino as a very young child, she had brothers by the names of Dennis and Sammy they lived at 660 Jamaica Avenue. Just curious to know if it is the same Fran Pedalino. Also, I am a friend of Tony Danza. We hung-out and attended Junior High school 171 (1964) Joey DeStio, Jerry Carter, Chris Mazzola, Louie Pastore, Donny Jeffers, Dennis Zollo, Mickey Conroy, Richard Tinkler, Peachy (Marie DeSpirito) Linda Dalton, Doreen Despensor, etc. I Still see Tony from time to time. P.S. To any one out there who knows of, Anthony DeNatale,aka Tyrone (Cresent Street & Etna Avenue) drop me a line. Bye Lenny. Nice chatting with you. Mary |
Date: Sat 12/16/06 3:17PM From: matty Email: MATTHEWSCELFO@OPTINLINE.NET Message: cal classi are you related to paul mantia |
Date: Sat 12/16/06 2:31PM From: Lenny Calderone Email: Message: I grew up in 93 Chestnut St, between Ridgewood & Etna. I went to PS65 and then moved to Blessed Sacrament and gradutated in 1964. Then went to Thomas Edison HS and graduated in 1968. Friends with Tony Danza at Blessed Sacrament. After college i married Fran Pedalino from Woodhaven, who taught at St. Rita's in 1971 & 1972. I'd like to hear from any of my old friends. |
Date: Sat 12/16/06 10:21AM From: eddie gudebski Email: Message: To everyone who has enjoyed the pleasure of this fantastic website, especially anyone who went to Saint Rita's, I'd like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. All the best in the coming year, Eddie G |
Date: Sat 12/16/06 9:09AM From: Joey DeStio Email: Message: To Nancy. I do remember you also, I think we rode together a few times. I lived on New Jersey Avenue between Atlantic and Fulton Streets. My mother owned the Lunchonette on Vermont and Jamaica Avenues. I also hung out with the Hughs brothers (Howie and Dizzy). Later on we had a club on Jamaica Avenue, next to Cappys Gas Station. Did you know Joey DePaula or Dennis Fudge? I have been trying to locate them. If you do let me know. And yes, I hung-out with your brother Tommy also. Thanks. Joey |
Date: Sat 12/16/06 7:56AM From: nancy m. Email: Message: To Joey DeSito,,, You say you knew chunky and rode with him? i was married to him. i went out with chunky from the age of brother was "tommy Twist" remember him? we lived across from Liberty Park and i know just about everyone you mentioned..regards..Nancy.....P.s Chunky passed away and i still keep in touch with his parents. |
Date: Fri 12/15/06 5:06PM From: Paula Smith Email: MYSTIKL44@YAHOO.COM Message: Hi: just want to let everyone know that a group of us are organizing a huge reunion for all 1959 PS64 graduates along with all 1962 lane, jefferson, east new york etc., for september '08 in either las vegas or new york...we have had a great response from our emails through but wanted to post it here for all to see and respond's going to be a big one folks, so email me with your interest.....i graduated ps64 in '59 and lane in '62....i lived at 41 crystal street & liberty ave. on the same block as eny vo. hs, anyone remember carol cronin? hope to hear from you, come join us in '08 |
Date: Thu 12/14/06 10:19PM From: phil santella Email: Message: Hello to Maryann Bloodgood. Would you be related in any way to Joey Bloodgood. Hung with Joey back in 1951. I lived on Cleveland St. of Fulton. We all hung out on Fulton and Warwick sts, Ice Cream Parlor Called Nicks. If you are related, how. Drop a Line Philly |
Date: Thu 12/14/06 8:03PM From: Joey DeStio Email: Message: I also hung out in ENY (from the center to the four corners) from 1963 to 1983. I do remember Chunky; we rode motorcycles together and I am still riding today... I also hung out in Liberty Park, Highland Park and Newlots Avenue with Dennis Fudge, Richie Green, Michael Riggi, Babe, Benny Catapano, Warren Bubak, Bobby Bear, Droopy Brothers, Poppo, Lil Jerry Fenaro, etc., etc. Would like to know if anyones in contact with a Joey DePaula or Dennis Fudge? Drop me a line. Joey |
Date: Thu 12/14/06 11:41AM From: Gerry Carter Email: Message: I lived on Jamaica & Norward from 1954-1970. I had a morning paper route from 1962-1965. The route went from Richmond Street to Essex Street. On Richmond Street between Ridgewood & Fulton I delivered to the Hack's, Bossong, Klavis Funeral Parlor, Miller, Moreno, Ceccero, Shaw, Timpa, (Mr. Timpa lost his boy Joe in Vietnam), and the lady in the Mystery House next to the school. In spite of many attempts to get Gus Rapperport of 175 Richmond Street to take the morning paper, the cheap old geezer never gave in; and I never quit trying. In any event, this was a great area to grow up in - even for a "Paper Boy". Finally, many thanks to everybody for all the good tips you gave me around Christmas time. |