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Date: Sat 11/11/06 7:43AM
From: nancy m.

Message: To were in the "other" graduating class of me..i had sister placidea as my 8th grade teacher while you had sister thomas....seems you got the worse nun of all...sister ferrence. i used to feel so sorry for the kids who got her...i had linda sheldon in my class as well. guessed she got "switched" i got beatings from those nuns and remember them are the first one to write about "them"......i am still waiting for someone to write from my class......Nancy

Date: Fri 11/10/06 9:50PM
From: Judy Close

Message: I just saw Class of '63's Stephen Inguanta's message. I was in your class. Did you also have Sister Justa in 3rd Grade, Miss Pappalardo in 4th Grade, Sister Ferrence in 5th Grade, Sister Thomas in the 6th Grade, Sr. Ellene in 7th? Sister Thomas was back again for 8th grade. None of these nuns ever left the SSND and got married--trust me, fellow St. Rita grads (who've been saying Sr. Miriam Joseph and others left the convent--seriously doubt it). Our nuns drilled us on the history book "nutshells" at the end of each chapter; conducted spelling bees; had us diagram countless sentences on the board and for homework; gave out endless written punishments on top of all the homework they gave us; sometimes kept the entire class after school for hours, making our mothers crazy; and yes, broke pointers and yardsticks across some backs for talking/laughing out load; one nun grabbed my ponytail and pushed my head into the blackboard when I didn't write the answer to a math problem fast enough. It couldn't have been easy for the nuns, though, when all our St. Rita classes were very large in those days, in the mid to high-40s.

There were some kids who joined our class in 3rd Grade--Steven Keilbocher was one--were you one of those kids? I recall Joe Vetere, Joe DeFilippo, Joe Giordano (he made me laugh when we went to Wilton, CT. on that
bus trip to the SSND motherhouse), Mario Saladino (heard he passed on many years ago--remember when his little brother used to open our classroom door and look for his big brother?), Donald Sheldon, his sister Linda, Richard Sileo, Mary Albanese. Do you remember the nuns taking the class to The Embassy movie theater to see "holy" movies like "The Song of Bernadette" and "The Miracle of Marcellino"?

Have you heard from/kept up with anybody from our class of '63?

Mark Femenella sat in front of me at one time. He used to crack me up with this bit: he'd turn around, take my hand and dramatically declare--"your teeth are like stars...they come out at night!"

In the late 1970s, I was walking along 6th Ave. in Rockefeller Center and spotted Mike Garone, but he didn't see me in the lunchtime crowd. Rose Ann Gualberti had worked for the same insurance broker as I did downtown NY in 1971-2. I almost didn't recognize her one day when we both got on the same elevator coming back from lunch--she had blond hair back then.

Many years ago, a friend and fellow classmate of ours met Anthony Competello--"Compy"--who way back then was driving for UPS, and he paused on his delivery rounds in Manhattan that day so they could have a short conversation. Margaret Giugliano became a lawyer. Alberta Friscia became a social worker. Bernadette Nicholson lives upstate.
That's all for now. Hope to see your reply or replies from others from Class of '63!

Judy Gallagher Close

Date: Wed 11/8/06 8:54PM
From: Ed Giugliano

Message: I love hearing all these stories....

The pics of Crescent St curve on Zone 4 brought back a particular memory. My Dad was an avid newspaper reader. He read the NY Times, the Daily News and the Long Island Press every day. Sometimes, he would go (and I would tag along) to the drugstore under the curve because that particular store would get the early edition of the News. So on Saturday nite you could get Sunday's paper.

Date: Mon 11/6/06 1:46PM
From: Frank Spindel

Message: I just went flipping through the guestbook archive's and it brought a GIANT smile and a tear to my eye. What simpler times they were. Hearing things about Zip's and Willie's ice cream store. Seeing my picture and wondering where everyone is today. The blackout playing punchball and skelsie in the street on any given summer night. Running through the projects to go home for lunch from St. Rita's back to Montauk Ave. Unheard of these days. I would love to hear from anyone that was in any of my classes then. I had Ms. Albanese in 2nd. Sister Miriam Joseph in 3rd. Sister Bridget Marie in 4th & 6th...( she loved me !!) Please if anyone is in contact with anyone else from then contact me at my email address. Would love to find Annie Calantoni. Hope all are well

Date: Mon 11/6/06 1:31PM
From: Frank Spindel

Message: I attended St. Rita's from 1964 till 1972 when we moved out to LI. I lived on Montauk Ave. and am loving looking at the pictures on this site. I am in the zone 6 pictures of St. Rita in my 1st grade class of Sister Miriam Joseph. I saw the reunion pictures from Jones Beach and think that they were in my class. P.J.(Patty John) Licausi back then to me.

Date: Sun 11/5/06 8:24PM
From: Competello Donald


Date: Wed 11/1/06 9:34PM
From: Frank Little Lombardo

Message: Wally, I remember the game - we didn't play many up there - and Jock was never able to straighten his arm completely afterwards.

I thought Biiy Polish name I probably never knew how to spell...), may he rest in peace, was a Yankees fan, too.

Bobby Wilker's family lived in the same house as my family in Bushwick, I believe, and then met up again after both families eventually moved to ENY.

Date: Tue 10/31/06 8:14PM
From: Vinny Capasso

Message: Catching up on recent post's. to Phil Aguece
are you the guy that had one of the 1st Mustangs(64 or 65)? also to Nancy M. you graduated in 64 you must have been in the other 8th grade, i was in Sister Thomas class. good to see many familar names. Hi to

Date: Mon 10/30/06 9:26AM
From: William (Red) Piazza

Message: Hi Rose.........I went to PS 64 and hung out mostly around New Lots Ave, between Berriman St, and the Livonia Ave. "Triangle"

Date: Sun 10/29/06 8:54PM
From: rose

Message: RED
you are included

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