Date: Tue 10/24/06 8:24AM From: Dennis Cowan Email: Message: Great Website! Sorry to see that F.K. Lane High School (Fun Kids Laughs and No Education ) still stands! |
Date: Sat 10/21/06 9:15AM From: nancy m Email: Message: to Rose... I remember Leila because i stood with her cousin Julia T. who had a brother that died. send in your pictures. |
Date: Thu 10/19/06 9:19PM From: rose Email: Message: it is great reading the nostalgic stories. i went out with timmy napier in 8th grade and hung out with eileen dooley and lelia jane grier i need to send in some photoes. |
Date: Thu 10/19/06 2:45PM From: Geraldine Liguori Email: Message: What I remember most Gene were two men( brothers-in-laws) who would sit on their porch on Etna St with two large beautiful dogs named lady and lassie . They would sit there until the sun went down. There was also a woman that lived there that would walk her dog,Im sure her dog was named tootsie. She also had a pariot that would call Helen all day long and if you rang the bell he would say come in. I wonder if you would know those special people that will always hold a dear place in my heart. I often think of you and your sister and it is so nice to be able to write to you. At age 8 you were the first boy to ever give me a ring that you bought at Herbies the candy store . Those are the days I cherish. Seeing Aunt Mary now and then at church always made my day . Say hello to Sue for me. |
Date: Thu 10/19/06 11:41AM From: nancy m. Email: Message: To Henry...any relations to a "timothy Napier? think i hung and went to St. rita with him???? nancy |
Date: Thu 10/19/06 11:27AM From: Henry Napier Email: Message: I lived at 62 Autumn Ave for a good part of my life. My Grandmother, Loretta Kenney lived there since the early 1920's. Me and my Brothers Billy and TJ used to roam the neighborhood with our friends from Sun up to Sun down. We moved out of East NY in the early 90's. I graduated Lane in 1991. I miss the "OLD" neighborhood very much. This site is great, thanks for the memories. |
Date: Thu 10/19/06 10:26AM From: Gene Padakowski Email: Message: Moving from "The City" to Brooklyn at age 8 was a shock.People lived in homes not apartments,life slowed down,friends didn't change the first of the month.I'll always miss the "Old Days" in Cypress Hills. |
Date: Wed 10/18/06 9:47PM From: Frank Lombardo Email: Message: I hung around mostly with Mets fans (game 6 of the playoffs is on as I type) - we hated the Yankees, couldn't even bear to watch or listen (The American League was just too boring!)Took the el to Sutphin Blvd. Walked up to the E/F to connect with the train to Shea. Saw some great games, especially during '69. Collected the coupons on milk containers to get free general admission tickets... |
Date: Wed 10/18/06 9:39PM From: Frank Lombardo Email: Message: Hey Paul (Perrone)- I'm just catching back up - can't remember when - didn't your family move to FL from Cleveland St? I remember Steve VERY well - a unique personality. I was about 11-12. We formed a band and after a couple of practice sessions (me on keyboards, him on guitar, can't remember the drummer)he started calling around trying to book recording sessions!!! I remember Mary, not Anthony. And of course your cousins, Mike and Jimmy - and weren't the Chuisano's related to you as well. |