Date: Wed 09/27/06 3:34PM From: nancy m. Email: Message: Hi, i think i do recall a guy we called "bright eyes" and i definately know your brother bronco. i have just e mailed with his wife "gypsee" brother was "tommy twist" and my boyfriend at that time was "chunky" remember them??....nancy |
Date: Wed 09/27/06 10:19AM From: richie Email: Message: this is a great site! i seen many peope that i remember.they use to calll me bright eyes, my brother was call bronco lol. any one remember me e mail me at |
Date: Mon 09/25/06 11:36PM From: Dolores T. Mazurkewicz Email: Message: Hey St. Mike's!! What a great website...THE BEST Memories in a long time. I lived on Warwick, between Pitkin and Glenmore...have been in Colorado since 1980..My husband and I love it, but there is NO PLACE like ENY, Brooklyn !!! let's hear from you St. Mike's !!! |
Date: Sat 09/23/06 5:10PM From: Rae Spindel Email: Message: Hey Class of 66- 1st Graduating Class in St. Rita's New Church Hello Josine Abbraccimento. What great times we had growing up in Brooklyn. |
Date: Sat 09/23/06 12:06PM From: Rae Spindel Email: Message: To all those people that made my growing up in Brooklyn so great, thank you. Here's to all of you who remember, St. Rita's, Vessuvio's Restaurant, PIPS Candy Shop, ZIPS, and the Eclipse Mattress Factory I would love to hear from you. Rae Spindel |
Date: Fri 09/22/06 1:46PM From: nancy m. Email: Message: to any chance, did you know christine giamundo? |
Date: Fri 09/22/06 10:45AM From: Dan, Greg, Richie,Susie Mazurkewicz Email: Message: Hey Vinnie Cannastraci, my brother Greg still mentions you. Those were the days! |
Date: Thu 09/21/06 5:19PM From: Irene Banks(Bosak) Email: Message: To Nancy M. This is becoming the Nancy&Irene page. What a group of characters the tots were. You couldn't make them up if you tried. We remember Chunky. Hope all is well with you. ENY the best place in the world to grow up. Irene |
Date: Thu 09/21/06 3:06PM From: nancy mangiaracina Email: Message: To Irene and Bronco...of course i remember Bronco and Gypsey!!! i lived right next to the Blanda"s directly across from liberty park and never can forget the days in E.N.Y I live on the island now and this site brings so much memories. great to hear from you. just saw josene abbrachamento (remember her) at a wake. i was also shortly married to "chunky" remember him?? regards, nancy |
Date: Wed 09/20/06 5:07PM From: Irene Banks(Bosak) Email: Message: To Nancy M. There was a whole group of us who almost grew up in Liberty Park. Do you remember Bronco&Gypsy? Well hi from Gypsy. 40 years later we're still together. |