Date: Sat 07/7/12 12:10PM From: Jim Livingston Email: Message: I could hit the "SPALDINE" two and one half sewers. |
Date: Wed 06/27/12 8:56PM From: Anne Marie Farrell (Wolensky) Email: Message: This is a great site. Our family (Ben & Anna Wolensky) lived at 153 Richmond St from about 1954 to 1974 when my parents sold it and moved to Howard Beach. My grandmother and aunt, uncle and cousins lived across the street at 172 Richmond St. next to PS 65. Has to be the best place in the world to grow up. Stoop ball, stick ball in the street where second base was the manhole cover in front of my grandmothers, handball in PS 65 school yard. My brother (Joe Wolensky) and I would be at Cypress Pool, Emba**y Theatre on Fulton Street all the time. Great stores, Tony's deli (best bread and cold cuts in the worlds), butcher (Frank's) heading toward Blessed Sacrament where we both went to school. As we have lost our father Ben in 2009 and just our mother Anna this March seeing all of these picture brings back a flood of emotions. I am hoping that we will find old pictures of the house and area that I can send in to get posted. To all the ENYorkers - great times, friends and the best place to grow up. Salute - Anne Marie |
Date: Mon 06/25/12 1:39PM From: Anthony Ritsua Email: Message: Thanks to Tom Atanasio for organizing the St. Rita's school walk through. It was alot of fun and so cool to be able to see the school again. I only went to K, 1st & 2nd, but my parents, aunts & uncles all went there. We moved from the area in 1968 when the city took over Elton Street to build IS302. |
Date: Fri 06/22/12 3:26PM From: Eddie O'Toole Email: edward.o\' Message: Jim Beck, I apologize for my typo with your name in my previous post Eddie |
Date: Fri 06/22/12 3:22PM From: Eddie O'Toole Email: edward.o\' Message: Jim Bexk, Vinny went to Blessed Sacrament on Euclid Ave. and then on to Bishop Loughlin. Regards, Eddie |
Date: Mon 06/18/12 11:12AM From: Jim Beck Email: Message: Re Vinny Schiavelli ... I attended St . Thomas in Woodhaven and knew several girls who went to Bishop McDonnell and knew Vinny from the J and A train rides enroute to Loughlin HS . Heard back from one who thought Vinny got on the train at Cresent St.. I know another once told me Vinny attended her Sweet 16 party in 1964 . I will keep you updated as responses come in from these ladies . Someone mentioned that Elderts Lane triangle ... I am still in touch with the son of the owner of Hopf's Deli there . Also who could forget Karl's Blue Bird Diner at Fulton and 75 St. ? |
Date: Sun 06/17/12 7:56PM From: Rick Email: Message: I was told that Vince lived on Grant Avenue, between Etna and Jamaica. We have not verified which school he attended, but we believe he was at FK Lane briefly before transferring. |
Date: Sun 06/17/12 8:12AM From: Roger Ski Gapinski Email: Message: Jim, I don't know exactly where he lived but we always saw him walking past "The Square" at Rockaway Blvd. and Elderts Lane. He would be mumbling to himself and walked with a strut. Came to find out he was always practicing his lines. This is back in 1966-67. |
Date: Sat 06/16/12 12:42PM From: Jim Beck Email: Message: I lived on 76 St . near the eastern end of Fulton St .. Yesterday discussing with old friends the late , great character actor Vinny Schiavelli who had Cypress hills roots . We know Vinny was a 1966 grad of Bishop Loughlin HS , but these friends said he was not in their St ,. Sylvester's cla** ... any idea just were Vinny lived in Cypress Hills and where he went to grammar school . He would have finished 8th grade in 1962 and 9th grade in 1963 if a I.S. |
Date: Sun 06/10/12 8:24PM From: john lochin Sr Email: Message: I lived on Pine St,btwn Blake and Dumont from 1960-1969(then Army).This was the block that burned down in 1978.Anybody remember?Also looking for a copy of PS159 6th grade grad pics,dont remember which cla** though it would have been 1962 or 1963. |