Date: Sun 05/10/20 2:30PM From: John Mancuso Email: Message: A great place to grow up. I lived in Arlington Village and attended Blessed Sacrament. Graduated in 1964. This site is tremendous! Great job. John |
Date: Thu 02/27/20 11:19PM From: Jonathan Messer Email: Message: Big Hi to all the kids I knew @ PS64 & PS108 from the 1950's... thru '62! I lived @ 23 Berriman in Arlington Village & would love to reconnect with old friends. It's been too long to say the least! |
Date: Wed 02/26/20 9:49PM From: Jack Auld Email: Message: Attended PS76, lived at 94 Jamaica Ave until 1953 |
Date: Sat 02/15/20 1:31PM From: Joseph Cascio Email: Message: Linwood st house with extreme ornate in front of house is "100" linwood, not 101 Other pic of john casey shoveling snow around 34 crescent actually makes mention of the "crescent Iron works" whose house it was...Louie.... Wish my neighborhood was included; crescent st, "below" linden blvd, not the pink houses. |
Date: Sat 12/28/19 2:16AM From: harold smith Email: Message: ENDLESS ARTICALS ON CYPRESS HILLS OVER 33,000 |
Date: Tue 12/24/19 8:07PM From: John Holotko Jr. Email: Message: Merry Christmas to one and all. 2019 |
Date: Thu 07/25/19 9:14PM From: Joseph LaFace Email: Message: Seeking sites of photos of Fountain Avenue between Liberty and Pitkin Avenues. circa 1944-1955. |
Date: Wed 04/11/18 10:17PM From: Michael Schementi Email: Message: Lived on Shepherd Ave between Ridgewood and Arlington. 1958 to 1978. |
Date: Sun 04/8/18 9:19PM From: harold smith Email: Message: ELDERTS LANE??? |
Date: Sun 04/8/18 2:34PM From: eddie g Email: Message: Message: Looking at the St. Rita's page, I notice that the 1961 first grade photo's and the 1969 8th grade graduation pictures missing. Any explanation? Thanks Still Witing |