Date: Sun 07/24/11 4:45PM From: Michael DiDio Email: Message: Michael DiDio we lived at 624 Glenmore Ave between Jerome and Barbey Sts. Lived there from 1957 to 1968. Anyone remember us be glad to hear from you. |
Date: Fri 07/22/11 6:20PM From: john Email: Message: The pizeria on Fulton between Autumn and Hemlock was Randazzo's. It was good, and closer to home when I had to walk over and pick up a pie. But Jack's was the best. My friend Danny and I used to go there on our way back from catechism cla** at Blessed Sacrament. We'd come up with 15 cents between us, and order one slice and have it cut in half. Here in Michigan we have a olace called "My cousin's N Y pizza", opened by former Brooklynites. It's the best I've had since living in Brooklyn. |
Date: Thu 07/21/11 2:46PM From: Tom Kehoe Email: Message: Regarding 1956 Cla** Picture, the teacher is Mrs. Sherwin. Pat A seems to have everything else right as I remember it, but her name is Sherwin |
Date: Fri 07/15/11 7:34PM From: Rose Esposito Email: Message: Looking for Highland Park crew from 50s and 60s. Johnny & Susan Mc, Lew & Al R., Mary K., Geraldine R., & Amelia. Anyone else that knew me then |
Date: Tue 07/12/11 7:55PM From: Mike Suchoski Email: Message: You guys may not brlieve this but they also had a 30' Board even with the El. You dove between the two twenty foot boards then came the Ten. In 56 I won a season pa** for 1957 on the speed bag at Danny;s. Great memories Buddy the chief life guard was also a skate instuctor and usher at Hillside. Confraturnity dances were held at ST. Michaels.Let's here from some old timers ! |
Date: Sun 07/10/11 6:08PM From: John Jensen Email: Message: Does anyone remember Dr Leo Ariola? I think his office was near Fulton and Crescent Street? He was a family MD and still made house calls! he was our family doctor. |
Date: Sun 07/10/11 5:39PM From: John Jensen Email: Message: I used to go to Cypress Pool all the time as a kid. I dont recall the 20 foot board, but I do barely recall the slide. And yes it was on the south side of the pool. Im surprised that they had a 20 fot board, becuase even the 10 foot board was really too high for the deep end, because as I recall the deep end was only 9 feet deep. the lions heads that spouted water, i remember them well. I used to go under them and let the water hit the top of my head. It always opened on Decoration day and even if the temp was in the 60's, id always go there on opening day. I remember seeing a man there every day with a big eagle tattooed on his back. He was an older gentleman (to me at the time anyway), and I wonder if he was that head guard? we used to get a locker, and everyone would wear the key to the locker around their ankle on an elastic band. I lived in Woodhaven at the time at 76-04 Jamaica Ave. I lived on the top floor above Beck the butcher, and when Id go in to his shop he's always give me a slice of fresh bologna. His floors were wood and covered with sawdust and the meat case I recall was porcelin and gla**. Next door down was Bob's Candy Store and then Louie Vega's grocery store. At the candy store I could get a fountain coke in a paper cone that was in a metal holder with a handle as I recall, for a nickle. The teenager used to hang out in front of Bobs and sing doo wop in harmony. There was also Johns Deli between 75th and 76th streets on the south side of Jamaica Ave. My brother in law worked there long before he married my older sister. Their reception was at the show Boat. I worked at Dexter Park Pharmacy as a delivery boy. My bosses were William and Millie Anastasi. It was at the northeast corner of 77th and Jamaica Ave. I barely remember Dexter Park and stock car races there. My dad used to take me there. I seem to recall on the far side of the race track there was a raised area there and an ambulance was kept on the top of that little rise. This was long before the supermarket went in. I think it was a safeway, then a finast store. Dont know what it is now. I went to the original PS 60 in woodhaven which was then a wooden frame school house, and if I recall the newer PS 60 has or had a photo of the old PS 60 inside the main entrance. I then went to PS 65 which sat between 77th and 78th streets, and Brian Highlands house was on the 78th street side on the east side of the street. I then went to PS 97 (where if you didnt have a tie on in Mr McGoverns cla**, he had a special tie for you to wear LOL or he'd punch you in the arm!) and then to Franklin K Lane and then to Food and Maritime trades HS in manhattan. I also used to go to Hillside Roller Drome alot too, it acttually had a live organist, and since I wasnt much of a skater, I had to wait for the sign that was lit up near the organist that said "All Skate" before I could go on the rink. For some reason, I always had the feeling that someone from Cypress Pool also had something to do with Hillside Roller Drome, but I dont know why, maybe the guy with the eagle tattoo on his back? Took the train alot (then called the #15 Jamaica Line pror to being called the J train, to 168th street station and Id go to the Lowes Valencia or RKO Alden theaters there depeding on which was showing the best monster movie. Also used to go to Gertz Dept store and look at the Piranha fish that they had in a tank in the pet department. Pizza was 15 cents a slice and im sure some of you also recall Pizza City, and the Big Bow Wow down on Crossbay in Howard Beach. I also remember going to dances on Friday night at one of the catholic schools, but i dont remember which one it was. but I do remember that "Murray The K" a famous DJ at the time, was always there. Sppeaking of DJ's does anyone remember radio station WMCA? Home of the "Good Guys"? I used to have one of their yellow Good Guy sweatshirts with the big smiley face on the front. Thanks for the memories! |
Date: Sat 07/9/11 4:56PM From: Carter Email: Message: Best pizza. Lorenzo's on Fulton between Hale & Norwood. Could only buy it by the pie. No slices. |
Date: Sat 07/9/11 4:51PM From: Carter Email: Message: Jimmy and I played together on the Raiders. Great guy. He gave me my first tatoo. A cross on my hand. This is sad. He couldn't be more than 62. |
Date: Sat 07/9/11 10:57AM From: Joey Perrone Email: Message: I have some sad news.Jimmy Lacroix pa**ed away about 2 weeks ago. He was a member of the Highland Park Raiders, 1964-67.He lived on Ess** street by Arlington ave back in the 60's. Jimmy and his brother Eddie worked for dial a ride car service in the early 90's. He was a great guy.His brother Eddie is a good friend. and Jimmy will be missed by all that knew him. |