Date: Sat 08/29/09 2:57PM From: Ed Farrell Email: Message: Hi all. I graduated from St. Rita School in June 1953. Does anyone know when the School Sisters of Notre Dame ceased teaching at St. Rita's? |
Date: Wed 08/26/09 11:10AM From: John Email: Message: I love the 171 cla** pictures.I graduated in 1965 after the 8th grade. I remember having a ceremony, but don't remember if we had a cla** picture. Does anyone know if there were 8th grade graduation photos in '65? |
Date: Tue 08/25/09 9:44PM From: elliot sachs Email: Message: lived on hemlock between sutter and blake. anyone out there? |
Date: Tue 08/25/09 6:27PM From: Laurie Email: Message: I am the great grandaughter of Joseph Banzer. I am so thrilled to see the pictures of Banzer Park on this site |
Date: Tue 08/25/09 4:12PM From: Kathryn Hengerle-Phelps Email: Message: My dad, Henry Hengerle, graduated from East NY Vocational - he said that he was one of only two seniors left that year as all the others dropped out of school to join the war (WWII) - his mom wouldn't let him join until he graduated. I did not realize until now that he must have been one of the first cla**es since the school didn't open until 1941. |
Date: Sun 08/23/09 2:30PM From: Johnny G Farias Email: Message: I lived at 377 Ridgewood Ave till 1987. Love the site. Does anyone have the 171 yearbook 1982-1983 |
Date: Sun 08/23/09 12:46PM From: Michelle Morgenstern Email: Message: Love this site |
Date: Sun 08/23/09 9:09AM From: Jimmy P Email: Message: Yo Oleo, the past memories of the neighborhood will always live on. Those times cant be replaced! We need to get everybody together more often then once a year to create new ones.I'm down if you are. Lets get something started. Hey by the way, Posting something on this site is a pain now with the verify thing. You do it and it tells you that it is wrong. this is the forth time i am trying to post this. hope it works this time. JP |
Date: Thu 08/20/09 11:53PM From: basso Email: Message: HEY GIRLS WERE ARE ALL THOUSE PIC YOU ALL TOOK COME ON SEND THEM IN. BASSO |
Date: Thu 08/20/09 11:49PM From: BASSO Email: ENYVIKING@AOL.COM Message: what going on out there no one is talking any more dont let the past go away,keep it] alive here on our web site. ba**o l.a.m.f. |