The 1960s - Part 9
The "1960s" series is based on the photography of Paul Gallagher, who lived across from St. Michael's and was also a parishioner. I have numerous class pictures and First communion group photos I will post eventually, but this update will cover some events in the 1960s he photographed.
Jerome Street, early 1960s Two great views during an unidentified event of the west side of Jerome across from St. Michaels.
Blizzard, undated Not sure of the exact year here, I added a closeup of the shovelers, maybe someone will recognize themselves!
Mother's Club Play, February 3, 1961 Not much to add this group, hope someone recognizes their mother... |
Mother's Club Play, February 3, 1961
Blackout, 1965 I confess I have no idea where these pictures where taken, they may not be ENY. |
St. Michael's Bazaar Parade, October 1965 A parade to promote the upcoming Fall Bazaar, the first two images were taken on Ridgewood Avenue west of Ashford Street. |
St. Michael's Bazaar Parade, October 1965 The parade is now seem coming down Arlington Avenue between Ashford and Warwick Streets, in front of the library (which is out of view). |
St. Michael's Bazaar Parade, October 1965 I found the use of the Schaefer wagon a bit amusing for a church event. In the last show, we are looking west from Warwick Street along Arlington Avenue as the parade moves away from the camera. |
St. Michael's Ragamuffin Parade, May 12, 1967 A kid's costume contest, the view is north up Warwick Street towards Atlantic Avenue; the second shot is on Warwick between the school and the yard. |
St. Michael's Ragamuffin Parade, May 12, 1967 Two views of the kids lined up in the yard, looking generally southwest to the corner of Liberty Avenue and Warwick Street. |
St. Michael's Ragamuffin Parade, May 12, 1967 Some amusing irony; my daughter visited an antique store and about the time I was scanning these negatives she gave me its business card that had an image of the "Lost in Space" helmet and gun you see on the right. Look at the boy second from the left in the first image... |
St. Michael's Ragamuffin Parade, May 12, 1967 It looks like the judges were the 75th Precinct based on the image above. I don't know if these were the finalists. |
St. Michael's Ragamuffin Parade, 1968 I did not win the auction for these negatives, which is why there is a watermark. I'm assuming this is 1968 because the girl dressed as a nurse and the boy in the carriage were honoring Dr. Christiaan Barnard, who had performed the first human heart transplant in late 1967. |
St. Michael's Ragamuffin Parade, 1968 Looking south toward Liberty Avenue at the lineup. The view on the right is looking east along Liberty Avenue. |