Etna Street
Formerly named Eagle Street, I am still investigating the origins of the name. We cover Etna all the way to through Zone 4 on this page.
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2 Etna
This weak 1939 tax photo I believe is actually taken from Highland Place, looking east with Force Tube Ave in the background. Neil Sullivan's 2006 shot is I believe a view south across Etna. |
102, 104 Etna Street
Frank De La Rosa sent in this 2006 update shot to compare with a photo labeled "me and Tony B" taken in the mid 70s. |
Driveway Mystery
Peter Stango sent in this mystery driveway which is actually on Richmond St. but leads us to Etna. Peter recalled the driveway to nowhere from his childhood- even though it looks like it could be a driveway for the house on the corner, the legend was it belonged to the house on the corner which was allegedly moved to Etna St. The first clue we have is in the local live image in the right- I circled barn-like garages in the rear lined up with the driveway. |
Driveway Mystery
I went to the Plat maps to look for some clues. The 1908 map on the left reveals the house on the corner did face Richmond, and the lot next to it was clear back to a rear structure. On the right, the 1929 map shows the lots have been rezoned- and tax lots 29, 30, 31 have been restructured into a series of lots which face Etna. |
Driveway Mystery
Peter also supplied shots of 150 Etna today- the house that was allegedly moved from the corner. The shot on the right is the garage structure that even seems to have a hayloft type window at the second level. We are looking to confirm if this was indeed moved from Richmond St. |
160 Etna
I dug this 1939 tax photo up for former resident Sharon Seitz. The house is right around the corner from Richmond Street. Neil supplied the 2006 image. |
Etna Clubhouse, Logan and Etna St., East New York
Maker:Kraus Dated: 1912 Status: Own(BG)
Darlene Hutto recalls this being a Masonic Club building; she also recalls it was known as the Compass Club due to the Masonic Logo on the front of the building. Robert Hensel adds that his parents rented the hall for his graduation party in 1977; there was a sign for the "American Turners of Brooklyn" and there were also bowling alleys in the basement. Leonora Licata lived next door in the 1950s and recalls her mother was friends with the woman who ran the club, Ann Tiedemann (sp?). She used to bowl while the ladies drank coffee. Anthony Messina did some research for us and discovered an "Etna Club" listed in the 1916 Brooklyn Eagle Almanac at this location dating to 1903. My own research reveals the clubhouse was dedicated on October 18, 1908 though the club existed prior to that. The 1928 Almanac listed both the Compass Club of Brooklyn (1918) and Corner Stone Fellowcraft Club of Corner Stone at this address. Anthony also found evidence of and athletic association in a New York Times article quoted under the "History" button. Neil supplied the 2006 shot. Peter Stango follows up on the driveway mystery; you can see 150 Etna in the background of this shot- meaning that house has been there since at least 1912.
Etna St.,looking east from Richmond
Peter Stango took this shot in 1983 after a blizzard.
Etna west of Richmond, 1990
Thanks to Tim O'Reilly |
Gene Padakowski becomes the first to send in an old family shot of Chestnut St., right on the corner of Etna, from 1963. I attempted to match the angle up in 2007 on the right. |
Gene Padakowski supplies this 1967 shot of 202 Etna, which is off the southeast corner of Chestnut and Etna. He IDs as follows; "L-R Tom Carroll { from 203 Etna ) Gene Padakowski ( my stoop } Lenny Calderone {rear-from Chestnut St } Denny Pedalino { from Jamaica Ave } and Charlie Brenner." |
228 Etna Street
These come from Alice Hetherton Price. The first is shot of her sister Peggy and an uncle in 1944. The view is east towards Euclid Avenue. On the right, her sister with her mother, also in 1944. Note the star in the window- her father was in the service. |
228 Etna Street
This shot was taken in the rear yard of 228 Etna, looking east. Again it is Alice's sister Peggy with some cousins around 1948. On the right, the view is from the north side of Etna. That is Peggy and Carolyn Kurz. Looking east circa 1950, Alice recalls a deli on the northeast corner of Euclid and Etna, and points out the el in the background. |
Etna St., Looking West, Cypress Hills
Dated: Unknown Maker:Unknown Status:Need
I had this postcard incorrectly slotted in zone 4 until Peter Stango correctly identified the location- it is a view west looking across Euclid . Note his 2005 photo- the corner buildings framing the shot are three stories tall while the rest of the block is lines with two story buildings.Rob Jefferson points out the apartment building on the left in the 2005 photo is 97 Euclid, where he lived from 1958 to 1963. |
275 Etna Street, 1941, 1973
Richard Adazzio sent over these great shots, a tax photo and a photo from the 1970s of 275 Etna Street. His cousin Patty and her husband Jimmy Raia rented the first floor and the picture is of Richard's 3 nieces, Desiree, Dawn and Maria. Richard notes that the house had great interior details, with some pictures under the 'Stories" button. |
228 Etna Street
These come from Alice Hetherton Price. The first is shot of her sister Peggy and an uncle in 1944. The view is east towards Euclid Avenue. On the right, her sister with her mother, also in 1944. Note the star in the window- her father was in the service. |
Etna St., between Nichols and Grant
We've slipped into 'Zone 4' here, with this series from Joe D'Alessandro. These were taken on the north side of the block between Nichols and Grant in 1963. On the left, brother Dean D'Alessandro has Mickey Hanley on his shoulders and Thomas Fiore in the background. On the right, Raymond Vento is holding up Thomas Fiore. Those views are west. |
Etna St., between Nichols and Grant
This pair from Joe is looking east. In the picture of his brother Dean on the left, Joe points out the dental office of Dr. Weissman on the left. Further in the distance is the First United Presbyterian Church of East Brooklyn. On the right, the view is from a little further back, that's Dean with Mark Tuttle. |
Etna St., between Nichols and Grant
Ray Tuthill also sent in some shots from this block. That's Ray (l) and Gary Wahlers (r) digging out from in front of 407 Etna Street in March of 1961. On the right is Thomas and Susan Fiore with Rich Tuthill circa 1962 in front of 409 Etna Street . |
Etna St., between Nichols and Grant
Also from Ray. That's Mark Tuthill,Patrick Hanley, and Lou D'Antoni in front of 405 Etna in the mid-1960s. On the right, Susan Bartolini, Pat Pat Delauro, and Joan D'Antoni with Lou D'Antoni in the background in 1964. |
More from Ray Tuthill. This is Etna off Nichols, and in the 1965 photo on the left Ray IDS "on left---The Blass' car, John Langley car, Frank The butcher, on rt is John Cerillo car, The Goshers car , Gary Wahlers with dog---403 Etna St." On the right, an earlier undated photo with Dennis Reilly, Ray Tuthill and Ron Genovese. |
Here's another old classic. The view is east along Etna Street from Nichols Avenue, circa 1915. Unless someone's joining this group it is an awfully lame parade. The church of course is still there, as well as the buildings along the north side of Etna Street. |
First United Presbyterian Church of East Brooklyn
Maker: Unk Dated: Unk Status:Own (RG)
Located on the northwest corner of Etna Street and Elderts Lane. The congregation was formed in 1902 and for the first six months services were held in a tent. A wood structure was built in this location and served the congregation until 1911 when this building was erected. I've added a 1905 Eagle article with some early historical facts under the 'history' button.
Cub Pack 179
Roger Gapinski sends over a shot of a den from Cub Pack 179 (from Ray Tuthill), which used to meet at this church. "Front row (l to r) Danny Le Porin,,John Volz,,Clinton Fraser,,Alan Minor. Back Row (l to r) Me, Ray Tuthill,,Eugene Linlau,,Gerry Gapinski,,Richie Volz."
"scout meetings were held in the basement. Camped occasionally on the side yard. Scouting in the city!!!"
That's not ENY on the right, but Lake Orbach in Camp Pouch, Staten Island where the Scout Troop used to visit. " My son Thomas Gapinski was shocked when I told him we took the EL, then the ferry, then a bus, and finally marched to camp." |
Enfield St., Cypress Hills NY
Maker: Unk Dated: 1912 Status:need
The view is catty-corner across from the church, making it the southeast corner of Elderts Lane and Etna Street. Laurie Marino corrected me, in that this is the Queens side of Elderts Lane and thus the cross Street is 88th Road. The houses are still there but the Tudor details are gone. |