Logan Street
South of Atlantic, see Zone 3 for north
Formerly named Locust Street, it was changed in 1887 in honor of General John A. Logan, who led Union forces during the Civil War. General Logan was also instrumental in the development of Memorial Day as a national holiday. He died in 1886.
Special thanks to Leonora Licata for providing the family pictures which make up the bulk of this page.
Click on thumbnails to enlarge |
Atlantic and Logan, 1913 This view from the Brian Merlis Collection is looking north across Atlantic on Logan. Logan does not cut through Atlantic in a straight line. The building on the northeast corner is part of the old Pumping Station, though I am
not sure what that tank is on the right. On the southeast corner the signs are advertising "Lager Beer", I can't tell if it is a bar or a distributor. For years Diana Coal sat on the southeast corner. as seen in this 1984 picture from Danny Blanda. There is now a
gas station in this location. |
Leonora Licata sent over these shots of Logan Street
south of Atlantic. The first shot is her aunt Gussie in the mid 1940s, standing next to the stoop at 356 Logan. Some houses on the east side of Logan are visible in the background and Leonora reminds us that Diana Coal sat up on the northeast corner. The shot on the right is also a view towards the east side of Logan. It is from 1949 and shows Leonora's grandmother and Aunt Rosina (Lee notes she used to make costumes for the Rockettes!). In the background is the Arena granite carving company, makers of headstones |
356 Logan These two shots are in the driveway next to the house.
On the left is her mother and grandmother circa 1946, standing next to the house. Lee recalls the house was near the corner of Liberty, with a gas station on the corner and a chicken market behind their house
which faced Liberty Avenue. On the right her mother and father Mario in 1946, the view is west towards the rear. |
356 Logan Gussie Licata was Leonora's aunt, the younger sister of her father Mario. She is pictured with with her mother, Leonarda sometime circa 1950. The view is north towards Atlantic. On the right, Gussie's wedding day, July 8, 1951 on the front steps of 356 Logan. On her left is Leonora's gradnfather Frank and on the right Leonora's mother Francesca. Leonora also sent over some pictures of
that day at St. Rita's which can be seen on that page. |
Logan and Liberty This picture was taken in September of 1945. That is Leonora's mother Francesca in the photo, and the
view is angled towards Liberty Avenue in the background. In the local live image on the
right, you can see all those buildings on Liberty Avenue are gone. |
Chevre Aharath Bnai Abraham Demetrius Pestun has been capturing shots of the local synagogues for us. Now I'm tracking down the tax photos. This is Chevre Ahavath Bnai Abraham in 1941, located on Logan St. between Liberty and Glenmore, now the 2nd St. James Church of Christ. |