Stoothoff House, 1923 The Stoothoff house was located at 494 Jamaica Avenue. It appears on the 1838 map commissioned by John Pitkin and was the oldest house still standing in ENY until its 2022 demolition. On the right, an early drawing, from Maude Dilliard's "Old Dutch Houses of Brooklyn". |
Stoothoff House, 1910 This great shot shows the house after it was remodeled about 1890 by Frank Hart; no longer a Cape Cod, with a front porch and an extension above. Anthony Messina found this 1901 sale ad that gives a great description of the house, and also added some research. Hart passed in 1895 from typhoid fever; his widow was the daughter of Ed Linton, the prominent realtor. The owner in 1901 was Edward Hart (relationship unknown) but Linton would eventually return to this address with his daughter. |
Stoothoff House, 1945, 2007 On the left is the 1945 image used in Dilliard's book and on the right a 2007 update photo. The property was demolished in 2022. |
500 Jamaica Ave. That's my brother Lou pictured in this photo circa 1977.The view is northwest from Linwood Street, looking toward the rear of the house. The rear of the Stootholf house is visible on the left. The photo on the right was taken in 2007. |
500 Jamaica Avenue, 1920 Richard Friedman sent this image of 500 Jamaica circa 1920. His great-grandfather, Dr. Morris Friedman, lived in the house into the 1930s. "Sophia" was Richard's grandmother, who married his grandfather David Friedman in the house. On the right, believe it or not, the home after a 2018 renovation. |
87 and 91 Linwood Street, circa 1917 Richard Friedman also provided an image of family members Harold Friedman (great uncle) and Mary Kantrovich Friedman (great grandmother) standing in the side yard of 500 Jamaica around 1917. Behind them we see not only a cool gas lamp of the era, but 87 and 91 Linwood Street, which still stand today. |
101 Linwood, 1916 Rick Constant sends over a great early photo of 101 Linwood, complete with gas lamp in front. Rick, who lived there 1946-1963, gave me some background; "I have to say that I remember the gas pipes throughout the house, we didn't have gas lamps, but they did have gas in them! We had two coal bins, one on each side that was filled through basement windows from our alley and the neighbors alley at 99 Linwood Street. Later as I got older I would shakedown the ash and shovel the ash into a burlap sacks and put it out at the end of the alley for my grand father. If I recall correctly, his favorite coal brand was "Blue Coal". Later when I was older I did the same for a relative on Richmond Street after school as a job. I believe my father had the furnace converted to gas in the late '60's" |
101 Linwood, 135 Ridgewood Avenue Rick Constant's great-grandparents were East New Yorkers, and he found a number of early images which show off all the wood trim that used to exist on the frame homes of an earlier era. The shot on the left is of 101 Linwood in the 1940s, and we can see all the intricate trimwork with the awning out of the way. In the right is 135 Ridgewood Avenue, where his great-grandparents lived at the turn of the century. That image is circa 1908. The house still stands, I have an updated image on the Ridgewood Avenue page. |
100,102 Linwood, 1964 Rick also supplied a view across the street from his house in 1964, noting the 1954 Hillman parked in front. I believe those houses are 100 and 102 Linwood. The one on the left is gone. |
112 Linwood Laura (McLaughlin) Facey's great-grandfather built this house, which sits one house up from Ridgewood Avenue. The picture is circa 1890; I captured an update in February 2008. Bruce McLaughlin notes the gas lamp on the corner and the phone wiring although it is not hooked up to 112 yet. |
112 Linwood Mark Hehl's family lived there from 1955 to 1967 and Mark supplies a number of memories that include the attic, the porch, and even the end of that tree seen in the 1941 tax photo. Mark recalls the basement had to be dug out by hand to create a usable room. His family actually rented out all 3 bedrooms on the second floor individually, sharing one kitchen. There is a second staircase at the back of the house and Mark learned quite a bit about plumbing helping his dad replace most of the original pipes. |
112 Linwood Dennis Hehl also joins the party, sending in some shots taken on the block in the 1960s. On the left is Dennis and Mark circa 1960. On the right is the Hehl family with the parents and sister Valerie in front of the house about the same time period. |
111 and 113 Ridgewood On the northwest corner of Ridgewood and Linwood, from the 1939 tax photos and today. Update: those two houses have now been stuccoed, see below. |
On the southwest corner of Ridgewood and Linwood, an 1891 drawing advertising floors for rent. The 2006 view of the house courtesy of Frank De La Rosa. Elsie Anzalone recalls her brother's godparents, John and Carrie Calia lived on the ground floor. They used to enter via the side entrance on Linwood Street. Above them lived the D'Nardio family (Carrie's sister). | ||
How about some "update" updates? I always thought they butchered the siding job on that house on the corner, and apparently someone agreed- I took a shot in February 2008 and the updated siding job now was done quite well. On the left, 111 and 113 Ridgewood have now been stuccoed. | ||
Moving south of Ridgewood Avenue, this shot comes from Joe Peluso via Robert Iannotta. That's Joe in front of his neighbor's house at 173 Linwood (Joe lived at 171) and the view is south towards Arlington Avenue. Taken in the early to mid-1970s, P.S.108 is just out of view to the right. | ||
P. S. 108, Linwood Street and Arlington Ave. Dated: 1912 Maker:Wm. Fick Status:Own (RG) Linwood Street, showing P.S. 108 Maker:Art Postcard and Novelty Co. Dated: 1930 Status:Own(BG) Rob Jefferson amused me by referring to my old school as the place where the "bad kids from P.S. 65 were sent".Now a historic landmark, P.S. 108 has its own photo page here. |
"Bill's", Linwood and Arlington 1968 Bill's, the candy store across from 108, contributed heavily to all our future dental problems. Thanks to Richard Moore for finally locating a pic for us, taken during a Memorial Day parade in 1968. Richard also sent in this picture of Angie, the school crossing guard, taken on graduation day in 1964. My brother Bruce relays a great early story about Bill's. |
Linwood and Fulton St. From Leonora Licata, the shot on the left is the southeast corner of Linwood and Fulton taken circa 1951. She IDs left to her right her mother Francesca, cousin Benjamin (Sonny), and his mother , her aunt Philomena. (Of course little Leonora in front). On the right, the view is south down Linwood towards Atlantic, also around 1951. She is with her cousin Pauline L'Bassi. |
Linwood and Fulton St. Leonora also sent in this adorable 1952 shot of herself on the southwest corner of Linwood and Fulton. She recalls that corner store sold curtains and bedspreads. Check out that bike! |
Roof of 2998 Fulton St., 1940 From my own family pictures. My grandfather owned a lampshade factory at 2998 Fulton, between Elton and Linwood. They lived in the apartment above, but the apartment was not as deep as the first floor building so climbing out the window and hanging out on the roof was common. That's one of my uncles on the left and my father with his aunt Maude on the right. This building is no longer standing. |
Judy Close supplied this 2000 picture of her block, the east side of Linwood just south of Fulton. The area behind these houses was for years Laird's greenhouse, dating back to the early 1900s. It was gone in Judy's time, just an empty lot though some remnants remained. A&P built a supermarket on the corner facing Fulton, it is now a Key Food. Judy's family lived in that house from 1922, and she provides some background on the wonderful details in that house. |